Chapter 14

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Sunset couldn't come any slower. The wait was agonizing knowing that Darren could die.

Finally the time came, the first drawing of what could be his last.

"Darren Shan and his trainer please step forward." Paris said 

They step forward, Vanez Blane is his trainer, he is half blind as in he only has one eye. 

They shake the stones up and draws a stone, "number 11 the aquatic maze"

I smile "not a hard first trial, he should do good" I say in my head.

"All are dismissed, Darren be ready for your trial you have the usual 48 hour trial prep" Paris said.

Darren and Vanez leave, everyone else follows. Paris looks at me and smiles. "He will do fine, Julia, you need not worry"

"I know but Paris, if he dies, if something happens, what will happen to me" I look down a tear hits the ground. "I can not live like that Paris"

"I know as do the others, Desmond helps in a way."

I chuckle at the thought but then his heart watch beats and I jump.

"I must go sires, I will be back before his trial"

I leave then go to bed for two days, I couldn't breathe so I stayed asleep, I was left to rest. Arra came to get me but I stayed asleep, I woke up late and  I felt bad so I ran as fast as I could to reach the trial, only to find Mika sitting there watching him enter the tunnel. I sit beside him.

He turns to me "you know I don't fully know if he will survive" my heart drops.

"Mika you should not say such things, he might survive, give me hope"

I sit back for what feels like hours, but it was 20 minutes. He comes out, I want to hug him but he seems to out of it. I wait

I go and congratulate him on his victory.

Was that his only one though?? Or was that his last??

Hi I would like to apologize for not uploading for a while, I had my senior project to work on, I also apologize that I do not have all the actual quotes and time moves quicker, I try uploading a few daily but I only have two free periods, I hope you are enjoying this story so far, you can comment if anything should be added or changed or if you catch a typo. I would enjoy your comments and I want to thank you for understanding. I am going to upload more often again. Bye guys thank you.

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