Chapter 6

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I woke up in a good bit of pain, since my adrenaline was up when I got cut. I winced sitting up but almost screamed in agony trying to take the bandage off. I let a small whimper slip through my lips but I was trying to be quiet. I got up but fell back down,  I couldn't stand. I lay there, cold, I drift off to sleep. I am awoken, startled, I react. I slice my hand up but slice Darren's face on accident.

"I am sorry D- Sir" I say catching myself

"Who are you?" He asks

I ignore him.

"Who are you!!" He says loudly.

I keep ignoring him

"Are you deaf, answer me.... Who are you?!?!" He yells while shaking me, waking the sleeping vampire.

Larten jumps up quickly and runs over too get Darren off of me

"What do you think you are doing Darren" He asks mad

"She wouldn't answer me"

"She can't hear when she is in pain"

I smile noticing Larten still sticks up for me. I go to talk but remember what would happen if I do so. Like the little people, I can't talk around certain people. I let out a quick growl, threatening him, he backs off then walks away. 

"We leave at dusk"

I nod then go back to sleep, I wake up though from the pain and the thoughts running through my head. I eventually fall back asleep until dusk.

We head out at dusk, we head to the Cirque Du Freak, where Darren saw Madam Octa. He now has to care for her, I on the other hand hate her. When I was little I saw her and tried killing her. Larten stopped me.

We are here the Cirque Du Freak, right where I belong. We take Darren to see Mr. Tall, as always he knew we were coming. He flew open the door and we walked in. We took a seat, Larten and Mr. Tall began to talk, eventually it came to us. 

"Julia, nice to see you again, always a pleasure princess"  He bows slightly.

"Always a pleasure Hibernius" I bow slightly as well.

"Darren Shan, how are you?" He asks Darren nicely.

"Just fine" He growls at the end of the sentence then adds "I probably would be better though if I could live a normal life instead of wondering around with a vampire and somebody I don't even know" 

"Darren, she will introduce herself when the time comes"

"I just want to know who she is"

He turns to me "are you and Larten sharing a room"

I giggle "as long as he doesn't snore like Gavner"

Larten laughs "He is like a bear, Julia, I am as quiet as a wolf"

"Then if you snore once I smack you"


"Darren you will be staying with evra" Mr. Tall says.

"Mr. Crepsley, who is Evra" he says a little scared

"You will like him, Julia, can you lead him to Evra's tent"


He follows me staring at me "Do you like me Darren?" I look back and giggle a bit

"No, no, I mean umm slightly, not a lot though"

"If only you knew" I whisper to myself.

We arrive at Evra's tent "here you go" 

I go to walk away "Julia, right?" Darren asks

"Yea, if you need anything just come get me" I smile

"Can you be my friend?" He asks 

"Maybe one day, you have to earn that spot" I laugh 


"By staying alive" With that I walk away

I head back to the trailer where I will be staying and sit down. Larten comes in.

"Hey, that was a close call earlier before we left, what did Darren ask you at his tent?" Larten asks confused.

"If I would be his friend, I told him he has to earn the spot." I smiled again

"How does he do that"

"By staying alive" I say in a dark tone.


With that we went to bed to be ready for the next day.

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