Talia Rose

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This piece is a that I wrote to be a journal entry in my tielfing rogue character's diary about her daughter. I wrote it for an rp and I loved it so much I wanted to post it here. I hope y'all like it! I think it's very sweet.

   "Talia Rose. A red vibrant flower in bloom, colored and full of life. With soft amber brown eyes looking on the world in wonder and forever holding kindness in her heart, she brings a light that many never even realised was missing. Like precious dew left by the morning fog she shines brightly. Her smile fills the room and my heart with joy. I sit at the window sometimes to watch her chase butterflies. They fascinate her, but she never catches them. She doesn't want to hurt them. I still remember the kitten she brought home once. He was alone and terribly ill. I told her he might not make it. She already knew he wouldn't, she said so herself when he brought him in. He was too sick. But she wanted him to at least be warm and happy and loved before he left. I cried hearing her. She nearly jumped with joy when he curled up next to her, purring quietly. A magical moment to her, the fact he chose to trust her and take comfort in her presence. We buried him in the backyard. She said it was okay to feel sad but to feel happy too, he no longer hurt. I do not know where she learns these things, how she even knew about death and life, I never have to explain anything to her. She planted flowers there over his grave. She plants flowers everywhere. She's got the greenest thumb I've ever seen. Everything and everyone blossoms around her. She hands out kindness like flower petals at a wedding, abundantly and generously. The entire world could fit into her little heart and she would still have plenty of room. Oh, how she reminds me of you. Raining days are her favorite like they were mine. Though were my reason was that people left me alone in favor of staying indoors, her reason is because it sounds pretty and makes everything green. We sit by the window together to watch it. I listen to her tell stories, she spins them from thin air like magic. She loves it and so do I. Sometimes she asks for a story instead. I tell her of how a kindhearted blacksmith met a selfish rogue and how they balanced each other. She always asks about you. I never turn her questions away. She is smart and beautiful and creative, and I tell her that everyday. Waking up to her little feet running along the floor of the cottage reassures me that this isn't in fact a dream. And that is what brings me the most happiness. Sharing my life with this little being. My little bright drop of precious dew. My little Rose."  

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