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Harry's POV

Hermione, Ron, and I all went to to find the exchange students, when they came running down the hall, fire following them. I immediately took out my wand so that I could help them but Hermione pulled me back so they wouldn't see us. After we settled down where Hermione dragged us, and we could see the students, along with a huge monster with multiple heads?!?! Anyways we stopped and watched as the the blonde, Will, called someone in a mist kind of mirror thing. A couple seconds later a package arrived.

While that was going on Nico was distracting one head by popping around placing, while Percy was distracting the other heads with water.

When the package arrived everyone ran for cover and the opened it. Everyone but Piper, who was wearing really dark shaded sunglasses for some reason, looked away while Piper took out a... head? With REAL SNAKES FOR HAIR?!?! Piper put the sunglasses on the head fast while closing her eyes then turning it toward the fire-breathing-multi-head-monster and flicking the glasses up for a second then put them back down. The monster, who I feel like calling Bob, because monster is so long, Bob slowly turned to stone and didn't move. Next Percy went up to the statue and sliced it with a pen??? NO A SWORD?!?!?! That's right... he used that during the sorting. It is so cool a magical pen, but no not a wizard kind but a muggle pen...

Has if realizing that we were watching him, he turned around fast then called out, "WHO'S THERE!!!" Now that caught the others attention and they all looked towards our direction.

I-I promise we weren't trying to spy..." God Hermione, why are you so nervous....


"Now now, calm down Annie, let us hear their excuse before we yell at them," Percy tried to reason.

"That is a little late." I mutter under my breath.

"WHAT was that?" I jumped back at Annabeth's harmful voice, a voice filled with venom towards me.

Percy called Annabeth's name and pulled her back. "Look as long as you don't tell anyone what we tell you or what you saw and see, we will answer any questions." Percy said to my friends and I.

"Ok, let's go to the ROR," Hermione offered.

"ROR?" Leo Valdez, of course, he was the first to question. "We were never told of a ROR, what is it?"

"Well Valdez," I couldn't help but laugh at how Ron talked to him. "The ROR is the Room of Requirement, it will only appear when needed and change to fit your needs."

"So it is yet another magical thing in the castle. You could have said that." Everyone just shook their head at Percy has he answered to Ron.

So, it's settled? We go to the ROR?" I didn't know whether or not we would get caught but, might has well give it a try.

"Sure, why not." Piper really looked like she could care less where we went.

---------timeskip from the amazing Weasley twins----------

3rd POV

Everyone sat on one of the 4 couches with 3 on each except for one of them which had four. The room was dark, only lit by a couple candles and the couches made a square in the middle of the room. They locked the door and had Hermione enchant it so it stays locked until everyone is ready to leave. Even if there is only one person who doesn't want to go. "So are we going to get started?"

"Sure, why not?" Percy looked nervous has he answered, his voice was shaky but Annabeth grabbed his hand and smiled reassuringly. Percy and Annabeth sat with Nico and Will in the couch directly across from Harry facing south. With Piper, Hazel, and Thalia on the other and Jason, Leo, and Frank. The girls East, and the boys West.

"Well I guess I'll go first, "Annabeth looked at Percy and held his hand tight, before taking a deep breath, and reliving her memories, to mortals - well wizards, but still the same thing. She talked about going to camp for the first time, why she went, who she was with, and how old she was. She talked about Thalia being turned into a tree to keep from dying by her father, how she and Luke ran to the safety of camp, afterwards she talked about how she met Percy, how she slowly grew to love him, how she went on her first quest with Percy and his friend Grover who was a Satyr. She told everything from at camp to now. Everyone looked at Annabeth and Percy in shock and gasped when she said he had gone  through more than that. Percy tried to say no and it was his fault for the giant war. But none of the 7, Nico, Will, or Thalia would let him say that. Everyone went on with their stories until Percy was finally ready to tell the rest. He was last but he finally got ready...

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