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Before I start this chapter, I would like to thank my sister @i_love_food2003 for editing this chapter. I made it longer than usual for the long wait. I will also be figuring out an update schedule again so that I can regularly update. That might take awhile so, I hope that this makes up for it. The recap is from when Nico was taken. Just letting you know.


Recap : "How did y'all do that with the magic barrier and you have no wands?" Tom asked before Will spoke out...

Nico's POV

"NICO!!! Where are you?! I'll come and get you, just tell me!" Will exclaimed.

I looked at him with dull eyes and said, "Don't worry Will, I will be back soon. This is just a little... reunion."

Will looked frantic, "A REUNION IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE!!! NICO DI ANGELO YOU HAD US ALL WORRIED!!! WHEN YOU DISAPPEARED, SO DID THE DEATH EATERS! You can't worry me like that." After this sentence I saw Tom leave out of the corner of my eye.

"It's not like I volunteered to come and meet someone from my childhood. Oh, and by the way, my old friend Tom is apparently the Tom that we came to fight." I muttered, but not loud enough for any eavesdroppers to hear.

"What? You can't fight, then! This is someone that was close to you, someone that you could trust."

Will, the key words there, was and could. He chose the dark side. He had the choice and he picked the wrong one. Don't worry, my judgement won't be clouded. You have to trust me, Will. And remember, I will always stay by your side. I love you." I said softly.

"I love you too, Nico." Will replied,  just as quietly.

Will stared off in the distance and then looked back at me with sorry eyes. "I have to go. Professor Umbitch is questioning whomever witnessed what happened. I will call when I can. Hurry and come back when you can. I will be waiting and ready to help you with what you missed."

"Thank you, Will. I will be there when I can. I will be there within the next week. We have over 70 years to catch up on. Plus, I could probably help him. I'll be back and report what I could do. Bye Will, I will do what I can. If I'm not back within the next week or two without telling you of an extension, then come find me. I am currently in the dungeons of the Riddle Manor. I'll see you later. Please call when you get the chance."

"Okay, bye. I hope it doesn't come to plan B." Will looked in the distance before turning back and waving at me, then swiping a hand through the image.

Has if sensing that I was finished. Tom walked back to the dungeons and walked towards me.

"What is it old friend... join me or die? Which will you choose?" Time questioned.

"Tom, you don't intimidate me. I can leave this place in less than a second, even with your pathetic 'magic barrier'. I am more powerful than you will ever be. Please try me. But either way I'm staying for a little bit."

"Nice to have you. I will make sure you are treated politely while you are here. I will get you a room." Tom looks up before shouting, "LUCIUS!"

The man from earlier came down not to long later and bowed to the 'Dark Lord'. "Yes, My Lord?" He asked.

"I need you to get Nico here a room, but not just a plain room. Get him a good room. He will be treated with respect while he is here."

"Yes, of course, sir."

Tom looked over at me and waved his hand for me to follow. I slowly looked at him then stood with caution before following him.

"Tom? Why is it that you decided to go with the wrong crowd? You had the choice to be good, but you decided to be the most hated person in the wizarding world. So, why? Why did you decide to put so many people in danger and kill those who are innocent?"

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now