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Hermoine's POV

Something was off about those exchange students... I just couldn't put a finger on it. There was so many things that were off. Not to mention how they reacted to those snake ladies, I think they're called Gorgons in Greek Mythology. Why wouldn't our magic work on those creatures.

I will have to talk to the boys about this and see what they think.

I headed down the long halls of the Hogwarts school to the Gryffindor common room to find the 2 boys sitting on the couch playing around. They could at least be doing homework.

"Harry? Ron?" I called.

"Yes Hermione?" Harry replied.

"I wanted to know what you think about the exchange students... is it just me or do they seem a bit off."

"You're right," Ron agreed. "You should of heard that one guys sister. -apparently she is also my sister- she didn't say muggle she said mortal. I didn't acknowledge it at the time in fear of something going wrong. My brothers are already mad at me for saying that she can't be our sister."

"Yeah that's not the only thing though. Remember when they first got here. They were in the middle of being sorted and it was almost that Percy guy's turn and then out of nowhere these things that look like Gorgons came out." I was about to go on before Harry interrupted me.

"Sorry for interrupting you, but what is a Gorgon??"

"Ok little history lesson here. Gorgons in greek mythology are the sisters of Medusa. The girl with snakes for hair after being cursed by Athena. They had said something about the Big Three. This gave me another idea. The Big Three in greek mythology are the three gods that were born as the sons of Kronos. This includes Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades."

"They also said something about the one who killed their sister was here also." Harry added to try and help.

"Yes so that means this definitely wasn't the first time this as happened with them."

"Ok so say that they were part of this greek mythology. What creatures would they be?" Ron curiously asked.

"Well that is obvious, they would be demigods. Though we don't know who their godly parent is. It could be a goddess or a god. We don't know." I stated in a matter of fact kind of way.

"Well we can just try to compare all the other gods to the student and find out who their parents are. Is that a logical way Hermione?" Harry inquired.

"Yes good job Harry, now we must start this list." I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing their names on it. Even the new comers Alyssa, Bianca, Conner, Travis, and Reyna. Each person had their own row.

"So what would be an option for this Percy guy, he seems to be like the leader of them so I think we should figure him out first." Ron said finally with a good idea.

"Well I saw him one night head to the lake, but I didn't see him go in he could have been beside it or in it I didn't get to see." Harry added to help.

"So it's possible that he can be a child of Poseidon..." I trailed off thinking of another thing that could help. "Though he also knew how to handle the problem also. He could possibly be a child of Athena or be really close to one."

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