The Last Clue

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Jays POV

It has been six days of walking, finding clues, solving clues, going to where those clues said to go and finding more clues.

Geez, it's been clues, clues, clues, clues this, clues that! More clues.

It's been exhausting. We've been to the venomarri tombs, the south beach, the north beach, the lost city of aroborus which, btw isn't even lost anymore, so why not change the name to the found city of aroborus?! Sorry getting off subject and the the great volcano, which I was nearly burnt to the crisp in! And yet, we didn't even find a useful clue. This one is the hardest one to work out its meaning. It doesn't rhyme, doesn't make sense, doesn't possess any qualities the last clues had. My brain hurts just thinking about it. I GIVE UP!!

"Has anyone else given up on this last clue?" Seliel asked, taking the words out of my mouth "Because I for one can't be bothered anymore"

"Me neither" Cole agreed wth her.

"What was the clue again?" Trini asked.

"NO PLEASE DON'T SAY IT AGAIN, I CANT TAKE IT!!" I shouted at Lloyd who was holding his green notepad, containing the clue.

Lloyd rolled his eyes, but told Trini, despite my plea not to.

"It said: The Hour Ends, Light Is Growing, Hope Till The End, May Peace Live Everywhere. Yeah, I'm still drawing a blank." Lloyd groaned.

"Let's think about this logically" Nya said, sitting next to me. We were heading back to the High school in hope that Sensi Wu might shine some light on the subject. But unfortunately we were caught by the night and were forced to set up camp. Again.

"We've been thinking about this logically for ever" Kai groaned. Everyone was clearly stressed out.  The fire in the centre of us burned brightly as we roasted marshmallows upon it.

I looked around at everyone's expressions. They all looked down, depressed and stressed. OHH! That rhymed! Sorry getting off subject again! I felt like I had to do something to cheer them up, but even I felt the failure of the mission laying heavily on my shoulders.

I took a sidewards glance at Nya, she looked ready to cry. It's weird, normally I wouldn't know what to do in this situation, but I knew right away what to do. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She rested her head on my shoulder and I rested my head on her head.

I revived a few evil glances from Kai, but I pretended not to notice him.

"WAIT!" Nya unintentionally shouted in my ear whilst standing up. She started smiling really, really big.

"What!?" Cole, Kai, and Lloyd shouted at her.

"I think I know what the last clue is describing"

"You do? What? Where?" Seliel said, also standing up.

"Lloyd, where's your notepad?" She practically screamed.

I couldn't tell if it was out of fear or intensional, but Lloyd chucked it at her, really really hard. Lucky she caught it and started to write the clue down. But instead of writing it across the page, she wrote going down the page, like this :

Ninjago: HIGH SCHOOLHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin