The Hallway Of Floor 33

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Kai’s POV

“Blue, with a touch of light blue and a dazzel of dark blue” I rolled my eyes and groaned at Jay's try-hard joke. Everyone else followed suit except for Nya, she was laughing to herself.

I looked up to the sound of the bell ringing and saw everyone start to move to their first lesson. I checked what my next class was and vacated to the PE area, alongside Jay, Zane, Cole and Lloyd.

“Hey guys? I'm kinda having second thoughts on this whole ‘talking to Sensi Wu’ thing” Jay broke the silence as we walked to our lesson and stared at the floor.

“Why?” Cole asked giving him a confused look.

“I don't know, it's just…. What if…… What if he like sells us to a circus or something?” Jay answered and continued to look at the floor. I couldn't tell if he was making a joke or not but he did look genuinely concerned and almost scared.

“Well if he does, then we can just say it's a dare or something, I mean, he might think we are just trying to make fun of his prothesis and worst case scenario he’ll give us a detention” I answered with a shrug.

“Even more reason not to tell him. I don't know about you Kai, but I have a perfect record with no absences and no detentions” Jay continued to protest.

“Look we'll just say that you had nothing to do with it OK?” Lloyd answered looking really fed up.

“Fine, but if it goes pear shaped then I get to….to…….. I get to use you as guinea pigs for my new Inventions.” He finished and smirked.

“Fine” Everyone apart from Jay groaned.

Normally I would be excited for PE, but because today was our first lesson, we did nothing except go through the rules and regulations of how to behave and have good sportsmanship. It was so boring, and apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought so.

“Sleeping would be way more proactive than this” Cole whispered to us.

Zane looked at him confused.

“I don't understand, sleeping is the body's way of regenerating, you’re at your least active stage wh-” Zane began but was cut off by Cole.

“It was a joke Zane!” He low-key shouted.

“I still don't understand” Zane said to himself.


By the time school was over, I was more than ready to go home and relax and do absolutely NOTHING! Unfortunately my busy schedule of doing nothing was cut short by waiting for Nya to come to the front of the school so we could walk back together. I checked my phone for any missed calls or messages but there was nothing. I sighed and leaned the back of my head against the school wall.

The big clock on the face of the church that was opposite the school read 3:25. Class was dismissed 15 minutes ago, where is Nya? What if something happened to her? I started to panic until I felt my pocket vibrate, alerting me that I have a text.

Hey big bro, my new friend is coming round to work on our project so we had to leave without u, see u at home. Luv Ya!!!

I gave my phone a evil look and rolled my eyes.

“Thanks for telling me Nya” I said to myself and started to trudge drown the road. A few blocks later I arrived our apartment and made my way over to the lift. Pushing the button I read which floor the lift was currently at. It read 53.

“You've got to be kidding me” I groaned under my breath.

Mine and Nyas apartment is on the 33 floor and even from here to there the slow lift takes 5 minutes to make the journey, i would hate to see how long it takes for the lift to get from the top floor to the bottom.

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