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Kai’s POV

What the heck just happened?

My sister just turned into a ninja. How? She seemed so scared when she left to go to the bathroom with Pixal and Nya. What is happening right now? First, all of us somehow manage to have the same dream and now, Nya just turned into a ninja. We moved so we could get away from all the drama, but it just seems to follow us around everywhere.

My thought process was broken when Seliel came back out of the bathroom looking pretty upset. She sat down and was instantly hugged by Cole. I saw him whisper something in her ear that seemed to cheer her up a bit, but I couldn't work out what he said.

After a few moments Pixal appeared at the doorway of the bathroom. I couldn't really tell what she was feeling because she never really shows any emotion. Come to think of it, neither does Zane.

I looked towards the bathroom door, expecting Nya to come through it in a few moments, but she never did.

“Hey Pix, where's Nya?” I asked still looking at the door.

“Firstly, please don't call me Pix again, my name is Pixal, and secondly, she left via the back door” Pixal answered.

“What?! And you didn't think to tell us?” I asked her in shock that she didn't think to tell us this detail.

“I presumed that Seliel had told you”

“Hey don't drag me into this, I'm still in shock, you know I don't talk when I'm in sho-” That's all I heard her say before I grabbed my coat and started to leg it back home.

“KAI, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” I heard Jay scream after me as I ran down the street


“CAN I COME!!?” jay shouted enthusiastically

“NO!!” I shouted back and continued to run back to our new apartment.

I knew Nya would be there, she always felt safe when she was at home. It was her safe place. The place she found most secure.

As I was running I decided to take a shortcut through a small alleyway, well what I thought was a short cut. As I came out the other end of the alleyway I decided to take another left and then a right and then another right. But as I ran to the left, again, I decided that maybe this wasn't a good shortcut and decided to make my way back. It's only then that I couldn't remember which way I came. I wanted to kick myself. I'm sure I came from the left? Or was it the right? No, actually straight on looks familiar, but now I'm saying that, left also looks familiar. Arrrrrrhhh….. Why did I take that shortcut? Nya needs me.

A distant scream caught my attention. A female scream. *Gasp* Nya…..

I legged it towards the scream, but as the cries got louder, I realized that it wasn't Nya. It was more high pitched. I signed and started to walk away but I stopped in my tracks when I thought to myself, what am I doing? Someone is in danger and you're walking away? Since when do I walk away?

I turned on my heels and paced it towards the cries. I rounded the last corner and my eyes fell upon a man, probably in his 20’s, pinning a younger girl to the wall. I couldn't see what she looked like because in the time I was getting lost, it had become really dark and I could only see a silhouette of her.

“HEY!! Leave her alone” I said, filling my voice with as much confidence and energy as I could.

“Or what? You gonna run ‘ome an’ tell ya mommy?” He said turning to me. The younger girl was dropped to the floor and whimpering as she held her knees close to her chest. The man squinted his eyes at me before giving a little chuckle. “Go ‘ome kid, this has nothing to do with you, so turn on ya heelz and walk away before ya get 'urt”

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