Chapter 3 Katrinas POV

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hey guys! everyone who's reading this. im running out of ideas. i know whats going to happen for the ending but could you please give me ideas? there's no romance yet except how Thomas is in love with Katrina but you'll see more in the ending. thx for your support!!


Monday was awesome! i got to kick some butt and that has never happened in a long time. and the best part is.... i have more ideas for pranks! it was like the best day ever come to think of it on Monday. well except for the trying to ask me out and being kind to Thomas part. now its time to test out my pranks. the spin the bottle annual.

The spin the bottle game was founded by Jessica and me.(surprising right?). well we wanted something a few people would go to so we could bond together. it was mostly Jessica's idea because shes the one who wants me to have a boyfriend. surprisingly she was able to get Thomas' posse and this time i am SO not playing(just like the other times. its fun to watch people being tortured). well actually it was a good thing Thomas was there because i could test my new prank on him. especially because this time spin the bottle was at my house.

so on Friday we did our normal school routine. blah blah blah. then at 4 people started flooding into my house. there was 12 people in all. including me.

"hello girls and aliens(its my regular intro) this is our 5th annual Spin the bottle game. as you know on every 5th game we made the game special. instead of just a regular peck on the lips you will have to kiss the person or alien for 13 seconds. the other rules are the same."

my announcements are always short unless of something's new or whatever. i just decided to not tell them the other rule change. so everyone started sitting in the circle. boy girl boy girl.

"hey aren't you gonna play?" Thomas asked.

i glared at him.

"no. no I'm not"


everyone started laughing. except me of course.

"are you sure? why do you want me to play anyway? oh i know why YOU like me!"

everyone was silent. watching Thomas' expression carefully.

"i do not!"

everyone started laughing again. not at me but with me.

"then why do even want me to play anyway. and besides why are you asking me on the 5th? wait i forgot you want to kiss me!"

everyone started laughing even louder. the strange thins is i actually felt a little sorry for him.

" why do you hate all boys anyway?"

now that got everyone silent. waiting for my answer.

" they are not boys! they are aliens and i hate them because of what they did to me is 2nd grade!"

now i think Thomas was speechless. he knows when i said what they did i was referring to him. i think his friend Marcus noticed and spoke for him.

"so if they didnt do what they did to you in 2nd grade you would love boys?"

"not love. just nice as a friend."

it really is the truth. when i was in pre-k pre-school and 1st i was best friends with boys. then i moved to another school and that changed everything.

"now are you guys going to play the game or i just wasted my whole time cleaning my room?" i asked.

thats when everyone started chanting


"i dont want to." i said it as stubborn i could possibly make it sound.

"chicken!" yelled Marcus.

"fine im a chicken."

"gawd, why are you so stubborn?"

"i have my rights. and this is my house i can kick you out if you want!"

"i'll give you $100!" that was Dallas. another from Thomas' posse

" make it $400 then deal."


everyone started whopping. they were excited to see what was going to happen. but i still had the 5th annual rule i forgot to say to back me up.

first off was David. he spinned the bottle and it landed on Brie. one of those popular girls.

so she kissed him for 13 seconds everyone chanted


David guessed "Jenna?"

"wrong" i shouted.

next was Linda. she started to spin the bottle and it landed on Marcus.

everyone chanted again as he kissed her.


she was right so i gave her the $5 reward.

next was Thomas' turn. the bottle was spinning round and round and it slowly stopped right in front of... you guessed it me! i really didnt want to but i still had my back up plan. first i hesitated to build suspension then... took out my water gun and sprayed him in the face. then i also i threw ice into his shirt. the rule i forgot to say was if you didnt want to kiss the person you can hit the person/alien if you would like.

"ah!" Thomas sounded like a girl.

everyone started cracking up. then Thomas opened his eyes and saw my hands filled with ice and a water gun. i think he suspected the bottle landed on me.

"why!" he glared at me.

"the other rule for the 5th annual. if you dont want to you can hit the person. and i hit you with ice cubes and water."

"you will so get it!"

before i could say my line Jessica said it for me.

"do remember the other meaning for that saying?"

everyone started laughing even harder.

"im leaving" he screamed.

"you cant yet... she still does have to kiss you. for 5 seconds at least"

that was Dallas. i glared at him. i wanted him dead. but it was true after you hit the person you have to at least kiss them for 5 seconds.

"but i dont want to kiss her!" he said.

"that's the whole point. to see other people suffer" Brie objected.

"Kiss him! kiss her!" everyone chanted

" i cant. he already knows who i am" i objected.

an annoyed groan went through the crowd. the only people who didn't groan was Thomas and me.when no one was looking i gave him a wink. i knew he didn't want to kiss me as much as i didn't.

the rest of the night went perfectly normal. i didnt play i laughed when the 2 least compatible people had to kiss each other. and on time Brie and Dallas a couple didnt stop kissing. they started making out. after about 8 minutes of watching terror i shot both of them with my water gun. then everyone left except for Jessica. she was sleeping over at my house. then Thomas came up to me and said


"now you owe me 2 times."

"no i dont!"

"yes you do. if i didnt object i would have to kiss you"


and he left.

i wonder if he really did want to kiss me.


thx for reading. plz give my suggestions.

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