Waking up

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First time drinking Vodka

IT BURNS, but feels good. ;D


Niall's pov (Before the accident)

I stopped kissing Mari-I mean Barbra when Maria left. I really need to get over her. Barbra smiled and cuddled next to me. I saw all the boys just glaring at me sure I did something bad but not my fault Maria was being rude. I then got up and left with Barbra I took her to the cave me and Maria went but she didn't want to go there so she went home.

I looked every inch of the cave and remember things.


"Hey, Maria I found this cave and well I wanted to share it with you." My 9 year old me told her

I saw the way she was excited which made me excited "Niall its perfect" she giggled which made me laugh. which made me think I loved her more than a friend

*End of flashback*

OMG I love Maria. OH god please make it stop.

About an hour I got a phone call from Louis saying Maria was in the hospital he must have thought I didn't care since I hanged up on him in the middle of a sentence. I went outside and turned into a wolf and ran to a cliff and howled. Everyone from my pack must have heard since they howled back. Each time a pack member is hut we howl for them as a simple of respect. I then Ran back home to go see if Maria was okay but couldn't because something was telling me to not go.

So I went to the training center to get all the anger out witch I did. Lets just say everything in there was broken. Maria might think I didn't care because I didn't show up that why I was pissed and she might hot forgive me know. I'm such a dick. The only reason I rejected her over Barbra was because my dad made me get the pretties girl and Maria back then was the nerdiest but to me she was beautiful.

It broke my heart to actually say that to her.


Maria's pov

I remember everything that happened before I passed out but for some reason I couldn't get up from this slumber. I ended up waking in this dream like place that didn't seem real. I looked around my surroundings but each time I left somewhere else I came back to the same place. I looked around and this dust flew everywhere around me until it stopped and it formed something or someone.

"Maria" It said or she said

"Y-yes" curse you stuttering

"You have finally came" she said and smiled at me

"um I'm sorry but who are you"

"I'm the mother of all mythical creatures Vampires, Witches, fairies, demons, angels and your kind.......Werewolves" she said and I looked at her confused

"wait your the queen" I told her and know she was confused

"yes, now how do you know that" she said and started to walk towards me

"I don't know I remember because someone read a book to me once when I was little"

"your remember" she whispered and once again I was confused

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