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The anniversary for this story would be of December 24 I have just have realized this and I am so excited for it. .....

also I laughed a lot these few weeks because of mark 



"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" I heard someone yell

We both turned and saw Niall standing there angry. I looked back at George as if he knew Niall would be there when he did it. He had a smirk on his face but he wasn't looking at me but Niall. I pushed myself of him like it was something bad that I did---Which it was.

I looked at niall as he made his way in and towards us. I gulped as I could feel the tension. Niall grabbed my forearm and pulled me away from George. Niall pulled me behind me and was still looking at George.

"I thought I told you that your kind isn't welcome here" He said

"My kind isn't any different than your kind they might be wolves and we might be cold blooded but at the end of the day were all monsters to humans" He told him.

I tried taking my hand away but he had a tight grip on me when I finally managed to take my hand away. Niall finally looked at me. I could see that his wolf was angry but at that moment I don't care.

"you have no right to do what you just did" I told him

"This cave is in my land and it's MINE-like you are" he told me

"This cave is not your it's mine as well and I can do whatever I want in this cave-" I yelled but got interrupted when he growled.

He turned back to George and then back to me and started leaving but I knew niall very well that he would be waiting.

"I think I should go and i'm sorry for everything" George told me and before I could say anything else he left.

I sighed and waited inside for Niall's return. Just like how I predicted he came back and went straight for me. I backed to the wall (which was the biggest mistake

"Did you forget you're mine" he said while he gritted his teeth together 

"I'm not yours and I never would be" I told him 

(A/N I'm not good at this but just go with it)

He pinned me against the wall with his hands holding mine while his hips pinned mine. I looked niall in eyes . I knew it was a bad idea to do so because I knew I  would've had melted and that's exactly what I did. I started squirming to get out of his grip. 

Niall had the opportunity to start kissing my neck when I did that I tried pushing him away so that he wouldn't mark me but he was to strong. Just than when I felt him grinding on my I got an idea I mean I felt bad for it but it was the only way. I brought my knee into a angle and kneed him in his groin. He groaned but he let go

"WHAT the fuck is your problem?" he semi yelled at me while grabbing his crotch in pain.

"What the hell is your problem horan" I told him

"Nothing...fuck that hurts" He said  at that moment I felt sorry for doing it but I couldn't because I knew if I didn't it would lead to something I didn't want to happen

'yes you would'  My wolf told me but I slightly ignored it

"Sorry" I told him

"Fuck...why? for what? I deserved it" He told me

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