Im sorry

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Hello fam

I just wanted say that you're all my baes now  and that I hope you like this chap

ANGELINA JOLIE is gonna be the evil (yet beautiful) witch :D



"What a beautiful celebration we have here hahah" We heard from the distance and who we saw mortified us.

Niall's Pov.

We turned around and saw the darkness rise upon us in which we all were shocked to see again.

"Is no one gonna invite the real creator of these disgusting place" She asked as she walked down the aisle.

"I mean I am the original queen" she said with her famous smirk that she had.

"there was a reason why you weren't invited laura" The queen spoke

"Aww My dear sweet sister of mine....Now How are you?" She told her once she was 10 feet away from her.

"I think you should leave"

"Why are you still bossing me around, Jenna did you not know what happen last time" she told her

"Yes, and that caused you to be throw-"

"I WAS NOT BE THROWN..." she yelled

"I was simply on a break"

"Now i'm here to take it back sister mine..........Even if I have to kill you"

"see these creatures should not be mixed"

"They should all be creatures in their own territory where they belong"

"They are but there still- "

"Still what??? Do you not see they're all killers and there disgusted by each other"

"vampires there suppose to be stronger than werewolves....or should they"She stated and the werewolves started growling at the vampires.

"I think you should leave"

"I will but remember I will come back" and with that a black smoke of air circled her and she laughed because of what had she accomplish. When the dark clouds had disappeared there was nothing of her left. We all looked at the queen but she was speechless. She as well vanished through thin air.

I never knew the queen had a sister, but to be honest I do think we should all be in our territory and Werewolves should be in full control and more stronger than all creatures here.

"Everyone off our territory" I yelled I saw Maria surprise from my anger. Everyone scrambled when they heard me.

"What did you do?" Maria asked

"I was thinking she was right and that WE should be the most powerful creatures not anyone else" I told her and gave her a smirk.

"......But You're not form our pack so get the fuck out" I told her and my wolf broke on the inside saying those to her. She look at me with her delicate eyes but then turn hard.

"I will Horan" she said and started walking away again

"You did great babe. I thought they would never leave nor would her and her dis-" BArbara started but I interrupted her.


She was startled off my action like everyone else was.

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