My Holiday Romance - Louis Tomlinson (Chapter 26)

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Sorry for such a long wait guys! My exams were on so I had to concentrate on revising instead of writing :') but they're all over now! So I get back to writing again ;) I've been reading through some of your stories and I came across @xSummerKissx 's Harry story you guys should give it a read, as it's great! :D Hope you enjoy! Love Lana XxXXxXxXXxXxXXxxXxXxXXxXxXXx P.S. Thanks for getting me over 2000 votes and over 800 fans :D You guys are the best ;)

Chapter 26 (Zoe's POV)

Louis had got word that he and the boys would be starting work on their first album in a months time. I was so excited about this, my baby's guna be famous! He's finally pursuing his dreams! I know they'll do well, they already have like a million fans! Some of the fans weren't too happy about Louis having a girlfriend though, but they understand now and most of them are actually quite nice! Although I do get the odd death threat, especially if there's a new article released about us in a magazine or something.

At first, my whole family found it strange that I was in the newspapers for doing the most simplest things, for example: Louis and I went to the Spar to get some milk and chocolate. A pap caught us and we were all over OK! Magazine the next day! Mum loved it though, she even made her own twitter account so she could have her own fans. Once people found out she worked in photography, she ended up getting a lot of jobs, which was great for her, she loved working with her camera.

My other family down in Dublin really wanted to meet Louis too. My Dad, my step-mum Laura and my little brother all live down in Dublin. I love going down to see them, mostly because I get to see my 1 year old baby brother, Alex. He's really my step-brother but because I count Laura as family, I don't see the point in saying that. He's my baby brother, end of.

So Louis had met my Mum, now I think it's time he finally meet my Dad. Because he had a month off before he and the boys started recording, I decided to ask him now. It seemed like a perfect time for us to go, besides, we hadn't really anything planned for the next few weeks.

We were lying outside on the sun loungers at his house in Doncaster, our sunglasses on. The weather had been gorgeous recently, so we were making the most of it. Louis tanned so easily! When he had a good oppertunity, he'd whip his top off, which of course, I didn't mind at all. I just walked about in my peace sign belly top, not really feeling the need to walk about in my bikini top.

"Baby?" I start, making sure he's awake.


"I was thinking, maybe you should meet my Dad."

He rolls over and leans on his elbow, pushing his glasses up to look at me. "You think so?"

"Yeah, I mean you've met my Mum, now you need to meet my Dad!"

"Yeah, but you know the whole 'Father of the girlfriend' rubbish. It's supposed to be nerve wrecking, I really hope your Dad isn't a really butch muscly guy that could kick my ass..."

"He won't kick your ass! He'll love you, trust me. There's no need to be nervous at all!"

"That's what she said in 'Meet The Parents' and look how that turned out!"

I chuckle, it's actually adorable that he's scared about meeting my Dad. "Yeah but it was all alright in the end!"

"Are you saying this could end up like 'Meet The Parents'?"

"No! Stop being silly baby, I'm serious. My Dad will love you, I mean he didn't hate you on the X Factor... I think."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2012 ⏰

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