Chapter 18

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"My back's killing me!" Samuel groaned, as he fell off the couch in agony. "What the hell happened Samuel?" Isaac asked, seeing his friend face down on the floor. Samuel lifted his head barely, and said, "I pulled a muscle in my back while I was trying to help Alex replace the flat tire yesterday. My back feels like wood and it hurts like hell!" "Where does it hurt the most?" Bailey asked, grabbing an ice pack out of the cooler. "Close to my tail bone," Samuel said, still lying face down on the floor. Bailey helped Samuel up and set the ice pack on his back and said, "Hold it there, it should help. If it still hurts, I can keep your back in place by wrapping bandages on it and placing something on your back to keep it in place. It might be hard to move your legs but you're back will heal faster." He nodded and held the ice pack close to his back. Isaac handed Samuel a bottle of water and said, "You think Alex will get the RV working again?" "I don't know, for two days Jeff and Clancy and Marceline have had to help Alex fix the engine. I knew that Peter wouldn't leave us alone. I should've shot him when I had the chance," Samuel said, taking a swig of water. Isaac shrugged, "At least you stabbed him?" Samuel snickered, "Yeah, in the fucking collar bone. It did nothing but make him bleed." 

"Hey Sam, you feel better?" Alex asked, walking into the RV with three different wrenches in her belt. He nodded, "Yeah Bailey gave me an ice pack to put on my back. But it still hurts." "That sucks, by the way, Bailey I need your help with something," Alex said, cleaning off one of the wrenches she had. "What is it? I need to straighten Sam's back," Bailey said, grabbing the bandages and a strong piece of card stock from the medicine cabinet. "Listen, Marceline's been holding the hood of the front of the RV open for almost two hours, her arms are tired and I can see their about to give up on her. You mind holding it open for a while?" Alex asked. Bailey shrugged, "Sure, but his back-" "Marceline can do that," Alex interrupted. "I can do what?" Marceline asked, walking into the RV with her arms covered in car oil and grease. "Samuel," Isaac joked. "Isaac! Shut up!" Samuel yelled, keeping the ice pack on his back. "Marceline, you mind bandaging up Samuel's lower back? He pulled at muscle in it and I have to straighten it with some card stock and bandages. You mind?" Bailey asked. She shrugged, "Sure, but how low? Because if it's below his hips, then no." "It's right above his hips Marceline, you'll live," Bailey said, handing Marceline the bandages and card stock. Marceline shrugged and took the things from Bailey and set them on the table. 

 "By the way Sam, you might have to remove your shirt for this," Bailey explained, as she left the RV. "Of course I have too," Samuel mumbled, taking his shirt off and setting it on the couch. He sat on the table top and asked, "This doesn't bother you does it, Marcy?" She shrugged, "I've seen worse, Samuel. One time at Isaac's I didn't know Jeff was changing in the bathroom. I went to brush my teeth and lets just say I walked right out the minute I walked in." "I remember that day!" Isaac laughed. Samuel laughed too, "At least you got out of the room." "Yep, you mind raising your arms up a bit?" Marceline asked, as she wrapped the lower half of his torso in bandages. He nodded and raised his arms, revealing a few bruises on the bottom of his arms. "Jesus Christ Samuel, you got fucked up pretty bad too huh?" Marceline said, seeing the bruises. "Yep, but we at least escaped Peter last time," he said. "You can lower your arms now," Marceline said, putting up the bandages. Isaac threw Samuel his shirt from across the RV and said, "I'm going to shower. Later." "Hey guys, come here," Jeff called from outside the RV.

The rest of the group walked out of the RV and saw Jeff sitting by a huge lake. "Anyone up for swimming?" Jeff asked. "You sure there aren't any snakes in that water?" Clancy asked. "Who cares? I haven't swam in ages. So who's up for a swim?" Jeff asked. Isaac shrugged, "I guess I will, the shower's out of water." "Clancy?" Jeff asked. "What the hell, Samuel how about you?" Clancy asked. Samuel shrugged, "Sure, haven't swam in ages either." "You girls want to join?" Jeff asked. "Sure, but I'm wearing a tank top and shorts, I don't trust Clancy," Marceline joked. Clancy laughed, "Good option."

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