Chapter 31

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Later that morning, Bailey was the last to wake up to the sound of pounding on the side of the RV. She shot up out of bed and ran to Alex who was messing with the radio. "Alex, there's something hitting the side of the RV," Bailey said in a panic. Alex laughed as she combed her short, thick hair, "Bailey, that's just Isaac and Clancy trying to fix a flat tire outside. Or it's Isaac hitting his head against the wall in frustration. Or both." "Oh," Bailey mumbled, walked over to the booth to sit down. Samuel came out of the boys room a few minutes later and threw himself on the couch. "You good bro?" Jeff asked, standing next to the couch trying to grab a bottle of water. "I haven't showered in a week and I feel like a walking piece of bacteria," Samuel mumbled under the couch cushions. Jeff rolled his eyes, "At least you want to shower. I smell worse than you and I don't give a shit. How do you give a shit anyways?" Samuel shrugged as he sat up, "I just, can. It's a basic human function. Like reading or cooking instant noodles in a cup." "That reminds me about how much Isaac hates the different types of people on the internet," Marceline called out from the bathroom as she towel-dried her hair, which was difficult with shorter hair. "What does he mean by that?" Samuel asked. "Ask him, he'll give you an ear full of rants about how "retarded" the internet is. And well, from his points he's not wrong," Marceline added as she walked in her bedroom, wearing a towel and yellow socks. 

Isaac came inside a few minutes later with Clancy and they both were covered in dirt from the road. "Jesus fucking Christ, you two get hit by a bus or something?" Jeff asked. Isaac shook his head, wiping dirt off his shirt, "Nope, flat tire." "Jesus, you both look awful," Samuel said, still lying on his stomach on the couch. "What's up with you?" Clancy asked, looking at Samuel with tired eyes. "I need a shower, and I feel like walking bacteria," Samuel said as he rolled off the couch and onto the floor. "Then shower," Bailey called from the girls room. "Can't right now, Marceline's changing in there," Samuel remarked, pushing his thick curls out of his eyes. "Sam, your hair looks like it was made from rabbit fur. Very curly rabbit fur," Clancy said. "I know that, got it from my dad. He and I have the exact same hair. Only mine's a darker brown," Samuel said, covering his face with his hands. "Sam, if you're that miserable, just ask Marceline to hurry up in there" Jeff said. Samuel shrugged and began to get up, but he was nearly stepped on when Bailey walked out of the girls bedroom. "Bailey, I'm trying to get up," Samuel said, with his arms pushing his upper back off the ground. "Sorry Sam, but you were blocking the door," Bailey said with a fake frown. Once she stepped over him, Samuel lifted his head to look behind him and shouted across the RV, "You almost stepped on my dick, Bailey!" Bailey rolled her eyes, "Like you have one." "Is that an insult?" Samuel asked, getting up. "What do you think, pretty boy?" Bailey asked, winking at him. Samuel crossed his lanky arms and mumbled, "I'm clearly a boy, so why wouldn't I have a dick."

 "Samuel, you okay out there?" Marceline asked, cracking open the bathroom door with her damp hands. He shrugged, "Sure, you about done?" She nodded, "Yeah. Hey Bailey, you mind grabbing my tank top? It's the ribbed yellow one on my bed." Bailey smiled the smile of a jester and said, "Sure." Once she got the shirt, she sung open the bathroom door, and threw it in the bathroom. Marceline screamed, "WHAT THE HELL BAILEY!" and threw a comb at her. Marceline slammed the door, dried off fully, changed, combed her short, dark frizzy hair, and sung open the door saying, "It's clear, sweetheart." as she looked at Samuel. Samuel got up and walked in the bathroom and stayed in the shower for about twenty minutes. 

"Yo Sammy! I need you for something!" Alex called from the door. Samuel called back, "I'm towel-drying my hair but I'll be there in second!" "You dressed?" Alex asked. He nodded, "Yeah!" "Then get out here! I'm not in a good mood so if you don't want me to slap you across the face the  get out here!" Alex scolded. Samuel threw the towel on the floor and opened the door, wearing a white and burgundy stripped t-shirt, with pale blue jeans, and a pair of black socks. "Put your shoes on and follow me outside, I need help setting up camp," she said, handing Samuel a string of white lights. "What are these for?" he asked. Alex smiled, "You'll see in a second." He shrugged and put on his white, mud stained Vans and followed Alex outside, still holding the string of lights. 

The Hunt: The Final Chase (3) (Edited)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora