Chapter 7

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"So... Alex's cool," Jeff said, as they walked around the forest area to find any dead tree limbs on the ground. Samuel nodded, "Yeah, I didn't expect her to be like a leader for a bunch of teenagers." "Wait Jeff, didn't you turn fifteen a week ago?" Marceline asked. "Yep, March first. When are you turning fifteen again?" Jeff asked. "May thirty first, I've got a while," Marceline explained, grabbing a few large sticks. "Hey Samuel, isn't that Love Lock Bridge up ahead?" Marceline asked, looking at the small map that Alex had in the glove box. He nodded, "Yep, I think that Sean took me here to go fishing when I was seven." "Who's Sean?" Jeff asked, throwing a rock into the river. "One of my caretakers that lived here. He lived with his grandma to help her out. She was old and couldn't really move around that well. Sean was like a brother, a loud, Irish brother," Samuel explained, sitting on the edge of the bridge. "He was Irish?" Marceline asked. Samuel nodded, "Yeah he was. So was his grandma. He had more of an accent than her and I didn't know why." "Neat, my parents had accents but they weren't heavy. Jeff remembers because he met them once at a football game. Plus our parents knew each other in high school. My dad went to the same high school as Isaac's mom and Jeff's dad. They were really close. My mom met Isaac's dad at nursing school and she met Jeff's mom in a McDonald's of all places," Marceline explained. "When did Jeff start hanging out with you guys?" Samuel asked.

 "In sixth grade. He knew us we just didn't hang out. I was always pranking the cheerleaders, renting a bunch of movies, and hanging out with Isaac and being little shits. Jeff really hung out with us halfway though sixth grade after a pep rally prank I pulled on the head cheerleader. Let's just say that I was almost suspended and Jeff was like, "Can I be your boyfriend?" I said no, even though I thought it was cute," Marceline explained. "I remember that day!" Jeff began with remembrance. "That girl got a water bottle full of expired chocolate milk instead of Gatorade. I think after that you were sent home early and your grandma was like, "Don't be like me, Marceline." I miss that day." "Wait, when did your parents die?" Samuel asked. "Right after fourth grade, the minute I turned ten, that plane came down," Jeff said, throwing another rock into the river. "Oh... sorry for asking," Samuel said, lying on the edge of the bridge. "Samuel it's fine, it happened in the past," Marceline said. "Should we get back to the RV?" Jeff asked. "Yeah, it's getting late," Samuel said, walking off the bridge and heading to the RV.

"Well, I found only a few Jerry kegs of gas, but they were half empty so I couldn't really put much in here," Alex said, grabbing a large frying pan out of the RV. "Find any gas stations?" Isaac asked. She nodded, "Yeah but it's ten miles from here. If anyone's a good runner, they could go and refill the Jerry kegs." Marceline raised her hand," I can do it. It's not hard for me to walk ten miles. When I lived in the ghetto I had to walk to my grandparent's house which was twelve miles way from the school." "Great, but since it's almost eight at night, you should leave around six thirty in the morning. No one's up at that hour but me and I'll watch from the RV if have too," Alex said, pulling out a large container of hot dogs. "Anyone here a vegan?" Alex asked. No one spoke so she put a few of the hot dogs on the pan and set them over the fire. "I'll grab the plates," Bailey called from the RV. "So Alex, does the shower still work?" Jeff asked. She shrugged, "There's plenty of water in there, but I might have to clean out the filter." "Good, I don't want to have to bathe in a creek," Isaac said. "What's wrong with a creek?" Jeff asked. "Snakes, fish, bacteria, doesn't ring a bell?" Isaac asked. "Isaac, sweetheart, you're too paranoid about fucking bacteria. We get it, you're a neat freak and a nerd, but bathing in a creek wont kill you," Jeff said, looking Isaac in the eye. Isaac rolled his eyes and stared at the fire.

The night went by fast and the group soon decided to stay in the RV until it was at least seven o'clock. At six thirty, Marceline took the map and two of the Jerry kegs and headed to the gas station. The morning in the woods was chilly because of the shade. The river made the woods even cooler because of the water vapor that hit the grass. Marceline had the kegs in her hands with the map under her right arm, along with her looking at her watch to see what time it was sometimes. "Jesus, I thought ten miles was shorter than this," Marceline thought, kicking rocks off the path. She came to the highway and saw a black jeep that had crashed into a tree. She saw an arm peeking out of the passenger seat door so she looked in slowly, setting one of the kegs on the ground and grabbing her switch blade from her back pocket. She walked in front of the passenger door and looked in, she saw Timothy, passed out with a bloody face and arms. 

She backed up when she saw he was armed, but stepped on a large stick, making it snap and making Timothy wake up. The minute Timothy saw Marceline, he leaped out of the demolished jeep and grabbed her arm, holding the gun to her head. Marceline stepped on his foot and stabbed him in his hand. Timothy screamed and grabbed her by her neck, making her drop the blade. "Where did you come from?!" Timothy asked. Marceline couldn't speak, his grasp was too strong for her to even breathe. He saw the map in her back pocket and grabbed it from her. Marceline kicked Timothy in the stomach and tried to grab the map and run. Timothy grabbed her by the back of her yellow t-shirt's collar, and grabbed the map from her. Timothy loaded his gun and aimed it at Marceline's chest and said, "If you tell me where your little friends are, then I wont shoot you." Marceline spat in his face, "If I do, then you'll kill me anyway." "Smart girl, but wouldn't it be a shame if your friends found your body lying lifeless with a bullet in your chest?" Timothy said, about to pull the trigger. Before Timothy could pull the trigger, a gunshot went off, making him fall on the ground holding his stomach. Marceline looked behind her and saw Alex, holding a pistol in her hands. "You little bitch," Timothy said, chocking on his own spit. "Tough luck, motherfucker," Alex said, shooting Timothy in the head. 

"Marceline are you okay?" Alex asked, putting her hands on her shoulders. Marceline nodded, "I think so, he almost shot me." "I can tell, you have a shocked look on your face," Alex said, grabbing Timothy's leather jacket and putting it over her shoulders. Once Alex had fully examined Marceline to make sure she was okay, she noticed a few red marks on Marceline's neck and asked, "What happened to you?" "He grabbed my neck and nearly chocked me to death, it stings," Marceline said, feeling the side of her neck. "I think he had a blade or a piece of glass in his hand, because you have a gash on the side of your neck," Alex said, seeing the blood on Marceline's fingers. "Come on, I can get the gas. You get back to the RV and tell Bailey what happened. I know she hates you but she hates it when people are injured, she'll help you out," Alex said, grabbing the kegs off the ground. Marceline nodded and kept her hand on her neck and headed back to the RV.

"What happened Marcy?" Isaac asked, the minute she walked in. "Timothy," Marceline said, sitting on the couch. "Timothy followed us?" Clancy asked. "The jeep that had followed us a few days ago crashed into a tree. Timothy was driving it. He saw me and attacked me, nearly chocked me to death too," she explained, removing her hand from the side of her neck. "Holy shit, he cut your neck," Clancy said, looking at the large cut. Bailey grabbed the medicine kit from one of the cabinets and put disinfect on the cut. Marceline flinched at the sting but it went away the minute the gauze pad was covering the cut. Samuel came out of the boys bedroom and imminently ran to Marceline, nearly falling over from his socks, and asked, "What the hell happened!? Are you okay?" She nodded, "I'm fine, Samuel. Timothy followed us, attacked me, and cut the side of my neck." "I knew it, will she be okay, Bailey?" Samuel asked. "Sam she's fine. I cleaned off the blood, disinfected it, and put a gauze pad over it. She'll live, the cut wasn't very deep," Bailey said, putting the kit back in the cabinet. "Okay, Samuel why do you smell like coconut?" Jeff asked. "I have dry hands, had to put lotion on them when I woke up," Samuel said, holding up his right hand. "Oh yeah, dry skin issue?" Isaac asked. He shrugged, "From carrying firewood last night I guess." "I mean, the lotion smells good alt least. Doesn't smell like the stuff Clancy has in his room," Marceline said, lying on the couch. The RV was silent until Alex came back with the gas. She filled up the tank and they were once again on their way to whatever was in store for them.

The Hunt: The Final Chase (3) (Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora