Chapter 5

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Alex drove down the long highway until she stopped in front of a large gateway. "What is it Alex?" Bailey asked. Alex shrugged, "I don't know. Let me get out and get a closer look. Clancy keep the door open and if anyone tires to attack, shoot em." Alex got out of the RV with a shotgun and a large mechanic wrench. Alex got closer to the gate and looked up at the sign above it. She froze and said, "Everyone get weapons, something tells me we're gonna meet some really shady people." "What's the sign say?" Clancy asked, grabbing the sniper rifle from the glove box. "It's St. John Clancy. And something tells me that the governor still lives here. A few of the abandoned house's lights are on," Alex explained, breaking the lock around the gate with the wrench. The group followed Alex with knives, guns, and even heavy stones. C.J. held a large stone in his hands and Jeff grabbed the baseball bat in the corner of the RV.

Alex kicked down the gates doors and walked in. The town was completely burned to ashes, the roads once covered with confetti was nothing but blood and dirt. The houses and the shops all were covered in burnt marks and a few buildings were completely burned until nothing but their floor and a few pipes and metal bars. "What happened here?" Isaac asked. "A few years ago, this place went through a large rebellion against the governor during the Roma festival. Isaiah was preforming on stage when it happened. The governor began throwing rocks and bricks at Isaiah and K.C. grabbed a brick and threw it at the governor. That caused the town to go crazy and side with K.C. and Isaiah. They ran away from the revolt but the governor wasn't done. He killed Sister Maria, a nun that was like K.C.'s sister because she lived in the cathedral. The governor also killed Isaiah's mom and arrested his brother, just because they were gypsy's. We arrived to St. John a week after the revolt, and we found K.C. curled up in a ball with Isaiah holding a knife protecting her," Alex explained, picking up broken bottles of beer and tossing them into one of the houses as they walked. 

The sun was beginning to set as the group followed Alex through the rubble, until Alex saw something in front of the cathedral. "Hey Clancy, you see that?" Alex asked, tapping his shoulder with her wrench. Clancy nodded, "Yeah, looks like a huge pile of crushed up bread." "I'll get a closer look," Bailey called as she ran to the pile. "God, Bailey, get back here!" Clancy called. Alex looked up and saw a large fishers net hanging over the large pile. "Bailey, look above you and come back this way!" Alex called. Bailey looked up and saw the net and ran back to the group. "Someone set up a trap for animals out here," Alex said, shooting the net down from the hook it was perched up on. Marceline heard footsteps coming from behind them and a door slamming. She turned around and saw that a house in the distance had a few lights on. "Hey uh Alex, you might want to get a good look at this," Marceline said, pointing at the house. "Everyone load your guns, but search the other homes and if anyone does live here, don't shoot if they're not trying to attack you," Alex said as she loaded the shotgun. "Samuel, you and Clancy come with me. Everyone else, get in groups of two and don't get lost," Alex called from the house. Samuel looked in the house and saw nobody until a large Doberman jumped on the window and making him fall on his back. "You okay Samuel?" Alex asked. Samuel nodded, "Yeah, that dog scared the shit out of me though." "Dog?" Clancy asked, looking in the house through a window. He saw the Doberman run around the house, the dog had white foam hanging from his mouth and blood shot eyes as well. "Guys, that's a rabid dog in there," Clancy said, backing away from the window. Alex heard foot steps running to the front door and motioned for them to hide on the side of the house. The door flew open, hitting Samuel on the back of the head and making him fall again. Alex looked at who opened the door and saw the old, main police man, who was more of a racist sheriff. "You kids shouldn't be out here," the police man said, cocking his gun. Alex tried to help up Samuel, but was almost shot in the head by the man. Alex got up and sliced the man's neck open with the sharp side of the wrench. He fell to the ground, dead as a door nail. 

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