Chapter 6

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Samuel woke up in the middle of the night to hear movement under the bed. Since he was on the top bunk he thought that it was Clancy trying to find a comfortable place to sleep. Then he heard pages flipping and knew what Clancy was doing. Samuel peeked his head below the bed frame, only showing his forehead and eyes, and saw Clancy reading a bunch of magazines and was doing something Samuel wished he didn't see. Clancy looked up at the bed frame and saw Samuel staring at him with an annoyed look. Samuel gave Clancy the finger and said, "Clancy, sleep please." And crawled back into his bed and passed out. Then Clancy heard the girls bedroom door open and close really loudly and saw one of the RV light's turn on. He got out of bed, wearing only his boxers, and saw Marceline with a baseball bat in her hands. "Marceline, why the hell do you have a baseball bat?" Clancy asked. "I sleep right next to your bed. I could hear every fucking sound you were making. So I thought to annoy you, I'd bang this bat against the bedroom door. So please, go to bed it's two in the fucking morning," Marceline explained, setting the bat against the wall. Clancy shrugged and walked back into the boys room. 

Then Jeff fell out of bed again, and Isaac asked, "Hello?" in a very tired voice. "I fell out of bed again, go back to sleep. Also Clancy, why does it smell so bad in here?" Jeff asked. Clancy didn't say a word and looked at his bed sheets with a gross look on his face, but the smell came from him. "Uh, I might need to clean my bed sheets in the morning," he said. "Dude, were you jacking off at three in the goddamn morning?" Isaac asked. Clancy nodded, "Yeah... sorry I couldn't sleep." "Dude, I've been trying to sleep. I'm on top of you and I can hear every little, goddamn thing!" Samuel said, covering his eyes with his hands and lying flat on his back. "That's what she said," Jeff joked. "Jeff, I swear to God I will throw a shoe at you," Samuel said. "I guess you get mad if you don't sleep?" Isaac whispered. Samuel nodded, and said in a very aggressive voice, "What do you think? Sorry, it's just I feel like I can't even sleep without someone waking up and making a shit ton of noise." "Hey, I'm like that. So is C.J., but he can sleep through anything. Even if a nuke came and hit the ground, he'd still be asleep," Isaac said, rolling over on his side to talk with Samuel. "Where's your shirt, Sam?" Isaac asked. "Bailey had to soak it in soapy water in the bathroom so she can get the blood stain out and sew it," Samuel said, about to fall asleep. Isaac smiled and went back to sleep. C.J. kept on kicking the bed and ended up sleeping on the ground because he felt like he was bothering Isaac.

"Sleep well?" Alex asked as she started the RV the next morning. Isaac shrugged, "Samuel not really because of Clancy but I slept fine." "Oh, Clancy do you mind toning down on whatever you do at night. I don't know what you do at night," Alex said. "He was going at it while reading a magazine at two in the morning," Jeff said, eating an apple from the fridge. "Oh... Clancy why?" Bailey asked. "What I got bored?" Clancy asked. "Can we just change the fucking subject please?" Samuel asked, his head face down on the table. Marceline walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth and said, "We're out of toothpaste." and spit in the bathroom sink. "How long have you been up?" Bailey asked. "A while. I woke up when Alex woke up. Which was i think five in the morning because I couldn't sleep," Marceline said, sitting next to Isaac at the table. "I just remembered a funny story about eighth grade," Jeff said in the middle of eating his apple. "What is it?" Isaac asked. "I think I know," Marceline said, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "Isaac, you remember how much of a bitch our lit teacher was, right? But how awesome the advanced lit teacher, Miss Berkshire, was?" 

Jeff began, "I remember that we had this big essay we had to write about pollution and I hated it. It had to be three pages and at least five paragraphs on each page, of course I was pissed because my aunts computer was ancient. It was older than me, old as balls pretty much. Anyway, I was up until five in the morning writing the essay because I waited until the night before to do it, because I'm a lazy piece of shit. So I come to school with bags under my eyes and an annoyed look on my face like I had gotten my ass kicked in a brawl, and I walk into lit class and handed in my essay. She puts it in a pile with the others and we begin class. The next day... I walk into class and everyone got their essays but me. And I was like "Did she forget mine? Did I not write my name on it or something?" Like I was sweating and I'd pissed my pants at this point. I get called up to her desk and I'm handed my paper. I sit down and my buddy Vincent asks me, "How'd you do man?" I respond, "I got an F for fucking failure." So right before class starts, she asks us if we have any questions on our essays. I ask her "Why did you give me an F on my essay." Her response, at two thirty in the afternoon, is this, "You see Mr. Rose, it was perfect but you forgot to indent on your paragraphs." And I respond with the confidence of a drug dealer that's already been to jail, and say, "Bitch, if you don't fix my fucking grade my aunt will be up on my ass until midnight about it." She stares at me, writes me a D hall, and I was forced to go to the gym and take a test on why I got  D hall. Guess what, I went straight to Isaac's house and shredded my essay and never told my aunt. My report card's another story."

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