Chapter 12

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"Bailey, thank god you're okay!" Clancy cried the minute he saw her. Clancy hugged and kissed Bailey as she stepped into the RV. "Where was she?" Alex asked. "Michael captured her, luckily, Samuel was able to distract them long enough for me to send out a rabid stray dog on them. They ran off, we grabbed, Bailey, and made like a hockey player and got the puck out of there," Marceline explained, plopping on the couch. "Well, I think we should celebrate. Who wants hot dogs over a camp fire tonight?" Alex asked. Everyone cheered and Alex pulled over on the side of the road. Once she stopped the RV, Clancy and Jeff ran into the woods to get firewood, while everyone else helped Alex sort out seats for everyone. The two boys came back with arm fulls of firewood and Isaac made a circle of rocks for the fire. Alex lit a match and shoved newspapers under the wood and started the fire. Bailey turned on the RV's radio and put in a CD packed full of jazz music. Everything was going great for once in their lives. Or so poor Marceline thought. 

Marceline sat next to Samuel and chatted, as Isaac sat with them near the fire as they waited to eat. "Anyone want a Coke?" Marceline asked, getting up from her seat. Samuel nodded, "Sure, I could use a cold drink." Marceline walked into the RV and skimmed threw the CD playlist and played Back to Black by Amy Winehouse. Clancy went back into the woods to get more firewood along with Jeff. Bailey walked over to Samuel and said, "Thanks again for rescuing me." "It wasn't all me, Marceline helped to-" "Shh, just be glad that I'm alive," Bailey interrupted. Samuel scooted away from Bailey and warmed his cold hands by the roaring, pine fire. Bailey stood in front of him and sat in his lap, and put her arms around his shoulders. "Bailey, get the hell off me," Samuel said, scooting back and nearly falling out of his chair. Bailey grabbed Samuel by the back of his head and kissed his neck, staining the side with her dark pink lipstick. Samuel tried to shove Bailey off of him, but her grip was strong on his shoulders. Right before Bailey got up, a faint, shocked voice cried, "What the fuck, Samuel." Samuel looked up and saw Marceline, standing right at the door of the RV holding two Coke bottles from the cooler. She dropped the two bottles that were in her hands and tried to hold back her tears. But the large cold tears flowed down her rosy, freckled cheeks like rain. "Marceline it's not what it looks like!" Samuel called, as Marceline ran into the RV. Samuel used almost all of his strength, and shoved Bailey off of him, and ran into the RV.

Marceline slammed the girls bedroom door and leaned against it, with the radio playing in the background. She leaned against the door and shoved her head in her arms. Samuel tried the door knob but she'd locked it. "Marceline, please open the door," he said. "Go the fuck away Samuel!" Marceline cried. "Marcy, Bailey kissed me, and she put all her weight on me how was I supposed to get up?" Samuel asked. "Samuel... back in Germany, I died a hundred times because I didn't even get to say goodbye to you. Because after that kiss, I wanted you to stay so, fucking badly. Now I feel like I'm getting stabbed a hundred times," Marceline chocked up. "I just feel like I'm not appreciated for what I do for people. Bailey clearly took that as an advantage to harass with my emotions," she added. Samuel sighed, "I'm sorry Marceline, I didn't know she would, you know... kiss my neck." "Just go," Marceline whimpered. Before Samuel walked away, he added, "Marceline, back in Europe I couldn't control. But all I want to say is, I'd prefer you over Bailey any day. And I really care about you, I... I... I think you're really sweet... but if I tell someone then they'd know that I'm a over caring person.... they'd know that I love people, they'd know that I love..." He sighed, "I'm sorry." and walked back outside. 

Marceline stared out her window as she laid on her bed, until Alex knocked on her door. "Leave me alone, please," Marceline demanded in a quiet voice. "Marceline, it's Alex. Open the door," Alex scolded. Marceline sighed and unlocked the door. Once Alex walked in, she saw the tears on Marceline's face, covering her freckles and her rosy cheeks. "Oh Marceline, I'm so sorry," she said, hugging her and wiping away a few dried tears. "I missed him so much Alex. We kissed and I loved it more than anything. But now we're together again, and now this happens," Marceline cried. "Look, I never dated guys, but Samuel wanted me to give you this. He feels really bad," Alex said, handing Marceline a Coke bottle that had a note on it. Alex also handed Marceline a box of tissues and left. Marceline turned on the small lamp that was next to her bed and read the note. It read:

"Marceline, I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't know what to do, I'm telling the honest truth. And I can't tell you about how I feel because I'm too scared but, all I can say is that I really care about you. More like, I adore you. But seeing you cry because of me makes me feel like shit and I wish I could've ran from Bailey when I had the chance. I'm sorry.
"Your friend,
"P.S. you dropped your Coke.
"P.S.S. I enjoyed that kiss if you didn't know already :)."

Marceline smiled as she read the note and searched for a pen. She found one under her bed and wrote on the back. She found Alex sitting on the steps of the RV and handed her the note and said, "Give it to Samuel." Alex nodded and got up and found Samuel sitting by himself near the fire eating a cookie. Alex handed Samuel the note and said, "It's from Marceline, don't blame me for something in there because I'm just the message man." Samuel shrugged and read the note, it read:

"Samuel, thank's for the coke and the note. It's real sweet and I didn't know you had that in you. I think it's angelic, and sorry for over reacting. I just, I've never really met anyone as kind as you, or as humorous as you. And I realize that it's not like you to go off with some girl, and I've realized what Bailey's done to me the last few days and I understand what you mean by you couldn't get away from her. I feel like shit now but... thanks again. 
"Your friend,
"I know you self doubt yourself, and I'm just gonna tell you now... you're very handsome, inside and out. And I enjoyed the kiss too."

Samuel smiled and heard Jeff whisper, "I can tell your blushing, dude." "Oh... uh... hey Jeff," Samuel said. "How'd it go with Marceline and all?" Jeff asked. "I'd say, a lot better than I thought," Samuel said. "What'd you mean?" he asked. "She forgave me," Samuel said, leaning back in his chair, with a smile forming on his face.

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