Chapter 8

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  "I had a good time tonight Y/n" Yoongi said placing his hand on my check. (Your face check you perv!) "Woahh" Nessa screamed from a far she saw what Yoongi did just now.  "Yoongi why did you kiss me?!" I yelled at him "Yah! It was just fora second." He said smirking. "ON  THE LIPS" I said this kid why does he do this to me. 

"Ok I'm just gonna act like I wasn't a witness to that..." Nessa said slowly backing away. "Yah! Nessa! Wait up!" Mickey said running over to Nessa. "Leave me alone, if you're going to be nice stay that way, stay nice. If you're going to be fucking rude, leave me alone. You hear?" I asked facing my back to him. "Y/n please--" he tried to explain but I cut him off. "Make up your mind and tell me tomorrow. Text me your decision" I walked away with tears threatening to race down my face.

The girls waited it the car for me. It was an awkward ride. I dropped Mickey off at her house when the person who I didn't want to see MIN FLIPPING YOONGI! "I'm  really sorry Y/n please forgive me. What I did was fucked up, and I'm sorry" He said with his eyes glued to the ground. It took a while to process what was going on.  I couldn't look at him I just stared at my shoes. 

"Please anything Y/n..." Yoongi said I could hear the cracks in his voice his pain his stress. "I told you make up your mind text me tomorrow please Yoongi. I'm honestly tired of these things that you put me through." I said still looking at my shoes. 

-Yoongi POV-

  "I told you make up your mind text me tomorrow please Yoongi. I'm honestly tired of these things that you put me through." She said totally ignoring me. I was broken, I figured it out. I'll text her tomorrow. I'll tell her everything! I'll tell her how I feel, everything! I l LOVE YOU Y/N!!!! 

"Ok good night, hun" I said as a smile crept onto my face. "Yeah you too. Make up your mind" She said making me smile more. I knew that she didn't understand why I was smiling, but I had a great reason. "Mick, I think I have a final verdict on Y/n..." I said to Mickey so that she could help me. "Yeah continute..." She said. 

I told her everything. She said that it was good plan, and tomorrow was the day for graduation photos. "bring the boys there and make them seem like they know her, the girls on campus love BTS. She always told me that she needed help with her self -esteem. Helpp herrrrr!" She said making me tired I took notes then laid on the sofa. Next thing I know I'm out like a light.

[Time skipu brought to you by 'Ayo ladies and gentalmen']

The sun came beaming through the blinds making me grunt and toss and turn. I ran into my room the clock said 2PM. My cue to get ready for Y/n.

-Your POV-

I had on a different dress then the one that I got at the mall. I wore a tight fitting black dress with small cut-outs on the sides. The outfit was finished off with my combat boots and graduation cap. I grabbed my camera and it's SD card and hurried my little but down the stairs. 

"took you long enough" Nessa said laughing at you a bit. "What time is it?" I asked making sure that I was on time to get Mickey. "2PM" Nessa said passing me her phone. "Yah! I don't need your phone!" I said driving over to get Mickey. "Ayo Mick come out!" I yelled so that she could hear me. 

When I got the text that I've been waiting for all day the text from MIN FLIPPING YOONGI! "Hey can't wait to see you later at the park... ~MIN FLIPPING YOONGI" the text came through I was Jungshook. Also very confused, 'at the park'? NO time to comprehend Mickey was rushing. She had one shoe on and was hopping on one foot trying to slip the other shoe on. 

"Need help?" I asked "No need" She said oping the door and sitting down. She put on her heels, fixed her cap, and did her make up. Nessa and I just lauged at what a mess our best friend was.

"Yah! Stop laughing!" She said whilr laughing. "Okay buttercup" Nessa and I saod in unison causing us to laugh more. We call Mickey 'buttercup' when shes being silly. Its like a cute pet name ya know?

We got to the park. It was so beautiful. The scenery was nice, it had nice green grass with nice full leaves. There was a cute little hammock. It was like a scene ftom a romance movie when the girl and guy sloe dance.

I wish thay I was dating someone right now. All I have is Mickey and Nessa. I don't even know if I can trust Yoongi yet. He hasn't givin me a full response yet. I wish that he would.

I took pictures person by person, group by group. Then our turn I setup my camera on my tripod setting a timer on it. We did one of those pictures when it looks like you're laughing.

I thought that it came out pretty well. I heard chatter and fangirling. I turned around to see...

A/N: My parents told me to sleep but I'm not, I'm working my hardest to put out great chapters for you guys. I Jhope  that you enjoyed also I need feed back if anything is incorrect in my story please correct me in the comments or DM me byyeeee❤️

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