"I wish I was as smart as you." She muffles against his chest and slides her arms around him.

Jared clears his throat and rubs his brow as he tries to contain the stars bursting in his universe. There's a chaotic buzz going rapid inside of him simply being touched by her.

How is she doing this to me? I'm going to die, aren't I?

"You're such a good friend," she murmurs.

And the feeling vanishes.

"Yeah." Jared pulls away from her as the stars in his galaxy fizzle and die. "Thanks."

Vivian simpers and rubs her wrist over her eyes. "I've missed spending time with you. I was afraid I'd never see you again. I've been writing poetry every day thinking about you." She grows breathless and beams so wide that he can't possibly be upset with her for squeezing the life out of his heart. "I've been dreaming of all the reactions you'd have reading them."

"That's amazing." He arches a playful brow. "Can I see them?"

"Of course!" she chirps and nearly grabs his hand but ends up wrapping her warm palm around his wrist. Static electricity shoots straight through him at her contact. "Ashton and I have this studio where we keep our art and-"

"Jared." Ashton's sudden presence jars him out of his excitement and sends his gaze right up the stairs to where Ashton's already got a bag packed over his shoulder.

"Oh, hey." He snatches his wrist from Vivian and holds it behind his back. "That was fast."

"I always have things ready to leave in an emergency." He jogs down the stairs in a heap of impatience. "Comes with the lifestyle." His attention slides to Vivian and he smiles, a sad one that highlights his regret. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She shrugs and twists her body side to side, making her skirt lift in the light brush of air. "You love her more than me. I can't force you to want me. Go be happy."

Ashton releases a light sigh and leans in to kiss her forehead. "You've got a heart of gold."

Jared drags his attention away, ignoring the pleasant expression Vivian gives from his affection.

"Jared, I have a favor to ask you." Ashton's deep voice commands his attention. "Only if you're willing to do it."

"Yeah?" Jared stands straighter, vaguely aware of the rest of their friends coming down the stairs and slipping around them, each with a bag over their shoulder.

"Vivian can't come with me. I won't risk it," Ashton states with a firm tongue. Blue eyes pierce into his, locking him in.

"Of course. She has a psychotic brother after her."

"She can't be alone. She hardly knows how to take care of herself. She has no money or identity..." Ashton shrugs. "Could you stay here with her and keep an eye on things? I can pay you for house sitting."

Jared bites his tongue to keep from smiling like a maniac and rubs the side of his neck. "Yeah. Sure, man. I mean, you don't need to pay me. I'm glad to help."

"Jared," Sophia says from behind him. "You're broke. Take the money. We won't be able to perform and make money until you're back."

"Perform?" Vivian's smooth forehead creases. She glances at Sophia and then at Jared. "You are in a band!" Her eyes and mouth forms into perfect O's. "That's amazing! I'd love to see you perform."

A childish snicker floats from Sophia and she nudges Jared's hip with hers. "She's cute," she leans up to whisper in his ear. "I see why you're in love."

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