theory thirty-five

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theory thirty-five

the significance of serendipity

serendipity (n): the effect by which one stumbles upon something truly wonderful, especially while looking for something unrelated.

when a person experiences a serendipity, it is usually because they have found something truly meaningful without the initial intention of finding it. basically, you find something truly wonderful without thinking of looking for it. these events could be love, success, happiness, etc. these events happen because they were meant to happen for us to experience. they are moments that catch us at the least expected times and places.

bts making the song as the start of the "her" era is perfect because in a way it goes super well with their current theme. when you find someone to love, it usually happens in the most unexpected ways; thus a serendipity. if you look at it from a bigger picture, it could also be the event of bts coming together with each other and army. the boys have said time and time again they weren't sure they were going to make it, but the universe had other plans for them. the success of bts and the love between us and them was something the world intended to happen. bts is a serendipity. we are a serendipity for bts. bts and army is a serendipity. we both found in each other when we least expected it

credits to lucky-svn on tumblr

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