theory twenty-six

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BTS is using many book references, but I also found some things similar to Asian horror movies and some of their remakes (A Tale of 2 sisters, Dark Water (+Remake), The Ring Series). I'm also going to connect this theory to one of my old theories of the young forever series.It's still not finished, a few points are missing, but yeah.This theory is really random and points don't connect directly, so please read till the end.I think that Jimin and Hoseok may be brothers (like Sumi and Suyeon, sisters) and that Hoseok also has the part of Eun-joo, Sumi and Suyeon's stepmother in the movies. 

She had a violent seizure due to overdosing pills, same as Hoseok in the latest part.Also it could be that Jimin drowning in the bathtub could be a reference to Kawai Mitsuki (Dark Water) drowning in a water tank and Aiden (The Ring 2) getting drowned in the bathtub by his mother.The scene where Jimin is sitting on a hospital bed, with an empty bed next to him, probably refers to the end of Demain.

"He leaves for the war, and he is later wounded. As he lies on a crowded hospital floor he comes to consciousness only to find his beloved friend and brother lying Demian beside him.For the first time Demian brings up the memory of Kromer.Sinclair realizes at this moment that Demian is his salvation. Demian leaves Sinclair with a kiss from Frau Eva, and he leaves him with the assurance that he would forever be a part of him. Sinclair had found himself, his search was over, he had been saved."

So Jimin's waiting for Hoseok, his friend and brother. He wants to be saved. He's desperate t o get out. And Hoseok is the only way for him. Here, Jimin takes the part as Sinclair and Hoseok as Demian.And I always had that theory that Jin is just an imagination, non-existend. 

Someone the boys came up with to cover their pain.But as the realisation hit them, some of them couldn't take it and killed their selves, others just got lonelier and died later on.The scenes where everyone was together, Run and the prologue may have been just their imagination, how things could be if Jin was real.Back to the short films.

Also, up till now there are 6 short films, all without Jin. Maybe it's like in The Ring.You have a week to live, but on the 7th day after you've watched the video, you'll die.So maybe the 7th film will show them all dead, with Jin on their side. They're dead so things like imaginary friends could also get real in heaven.

Perfect transition, here's the next thing:Everyone except Jinkook are in Purgatory.Relieving the pain to get washed from all sins. Or so.Kookie's already in Heaven. He's watching over them, wings showing that he might be an angel.I also think Hoseok might be one or at least, he's about to.Because while he, let's call it, "was on drugs" (well he kinda was), you can see him having wings too.So and about the forest picture.It looks A LOT like the forest in The Ring where Samara crawls out of the well.(This scene is so disgusting)So maybe, it's just a thought, they're waiting for something to come out of that picture? Or to move? 

Anyway, this picture is creepy af.


I think he's referring to "Frau Eva" (Demain, Hermann Hesse), as a mother figure.You can see his arms being coloured similar to the mothers arms on the portrait.So maybe, Namjoon was the mother figure of Jungkook and Taehyung and when both died, the youngest first, he felt faulty. And he's now relieving the pain of not being able to help when Taehyung was calling for him. He hates himself for that.


Yoongi didn't make it to heaven.He's probably going to hell.Through the noises of the car crash Jungkook woke up.The paintings do look like Yoongi and when one of it started burning, Jungkook knew that he didn't make it , which is why he's crying.Jungkook is sending a picture to Namjoon (probably it has some kinda message on it) and when he sees it, he burns it and puts it into his drink, drinks it and passes out.I also have this theory that Jungkook was already dead during that time Suga burned himself in I NEED U.

So in BEGIN, Yoongi's the last one dying. So his picture burning might just show himself burning. That's why Jungkook is crying.

submitted by @pervytaehyung


she has sent this to me before jin released his short film so im sorry for being late !! IM SORRY THAT THIS IS DISORGANIZED FJDDFJKLSD

so october 10th omfg im not ready 

- nehal

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