theory thirty-one

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As I said in my last post, the painting behind bts and in this scene

As I said in my last post, the painting behind bts and in this scene

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is "The lament of Icarus"

In this myth, Daedalus and his son Icarus were locked up in the labyrinth. To escape, Daedalus decided to create wings and to fix them on his back and his son's back with some wax. Then Daedalus told his son to not fly way to high or the wax will melt. But Icarus ignored his father's advice, the wax melted and Icarus felt into the ocean.

I searched a little bit about this myth and found something really interesting: the Icarus complex

The Icarus complex is " A man who does not recognise his own limitations, which is attributed to an internalisation ofthe father-son rivalry "

And we all know the conflicts between Taehyung and his father.

But it gets even deeper:

The consequences of the Icarus complex are:

Oedipus complex
Perpetual adolescence

The Oedipus complex can be linked to Eva from Mama (Demian ) and a lot of other things.

The perpetual adolescence is " an older person whose emotional life has remained at an adolescent level. He covets independence and freedom, opposes boundaries and limits, and tends to find any restriction intolerable"

Now do you remember the photoshoot from HYYH pt 2? Remember how all of this was linked to Peter Pan? And do you know whats strongly linked to the Perpetual adolescence? Thats right, the Peter Pan syndrom.

I'm not doing any theory, I just like to find facts who can be usefull :^DDD. And tbh I'm not that smart so I hope this can help someone!

credit to ask-bts-stuff one tumblr


i'm so sorryyyy for not posting in a while ahhh. jsodbsodsn

happy bday to my love, kim seokjin <33

- nehal

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