Chapter 14

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3 months later

"Wake yo bitch ass up my fucking water just broke" Beyoncé yelled slapping me hard as fuck.

"Aye don't fucking slap me Imma beat the shit out of you" I growled staring deep into her soul. As you can see I'm not a morning person plus I went to sleep at 5 A.M cause I was working with Queen on some music. YALL ITS FUCKING 5:30 IN THE FUCKING MORNING.

"I'm sorry daddy but yo baby on the way" She said pouting and holding her stomach. I hopped out the bed fast as shit and slid my Jordan slides on before picking her up and racing down the stairs.

"She labor, lets fucking go. Everybody meet me in the fucking hospital" I yelled loud as shit waking everybody up and racing out the door to the car.


"There's another one" the doctor yelled.

"Issa what" I yelled with wide eyes.

"Another baby" she said before telling Bey to push and guiding the baby out.

"Oh lord" I said like Bernie Mac and fainting the second I saw the head.


"Y'all all done had the babies" i yelled when I finally came to.

"Yeah, you were out for about 3 hours" Normani said laughing at me.

"That shit ain't funny I missed the birth of my kids" I said face palming.

"It's Okay cause you can name them, we waited for you" Christina said.

"Okay y'all line up wit my precious angels" I said standing up. The girls that weren't in their hospital beds got up and grabbed a baby. They stood in front of the mothers so I would know who had what.

"This is a boy" Dinah said standing in front of Bey.

"This is a girl" Normani said standing next to Dinah.

"Okay what were you thinking Bey" I asked.

"Rumi and Sir" Bey said making me look at her like she had 12 heads.

"I know you fucking lying" I said in
a high voice like my dawg Zo making everybody burst out laughing, even the doctors.

"Ight you say some shit then" she said rolling her eyes.

"Aria and Alexander" I said shrugging.

"That works" She said agreeing with me.

"Middle names can be Gieselle and Mason" I said. She nodded her head and the doctor wrote it down.

"This a boy" Zendaya said standing in front of Rihanna kissing the little mans head.

"What you had in mind" I asked Robyn.

"Andrew" She answered.

"Bet, Andrew" I said moving on to the next while the other doctor wrote the name down.

"This a baby squirrel" Ti said standing in front of India.

"Bitch you better leave my baby boy alone or I'll beat yo ass" India growled making me chuckle cause Ti looked at her like bitch fuck type of demon are you.

"What you had in mind" I asked India.

"Anthony" She answered.

"Anthony Josiah" I said moving on to the next.

"Issa girl" Daysha said standing in front of Christina.

"What you had in mind" I asked Christina.

"I like Violet for a middle name" she answered.

"Ava Violet" I said shrugging and stepping back to see all my little nuggets.

"I make some cute ass babies" I said chuckling.

"That you do" dad said walking into the room with Mama, Ally, Guapo, and OBJ.

"Guapo" I yelled jumping on my brothers. I ain't seen him since my birthday party. OBJ come and visit me from time to time so ian studying him.

"Hey baby sis, what's the names of
my nieces and nephews" he asked.

"Okay we got, Aria, Alexander, Andrew, Anthony, and Ava" I told him pointing at each child.

"Wait I thought you got 4 pregnant" Ally said Confused.

"I did but Bey ass had twins" I said chuckling.

"5 kids and 2 of them girls, I hope you own a gun" mama said.

"She's my child, I know she got a closet full" dad said chuckling.

"You already know what the fuck going on" I said chuckling.

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