
"Frank! Where the hell have you been? It's past curfew," Emma whispered as I tried to sneak back into my room to avoid Miss Nora.

"I was out." I mumbled, just trying to get into my room without being interrogated.

"Wow. I never would've guessed." Emma gave me a 'done with your bullshit' look.

"I was just out, Emma. That's it. Can't I just live my own life?" I snapped and tried to push passed her, but she caught my arm, "fucking ow, let go," I snapped as I whipped my arm from her grasp.

"Dude, I barely had a grip. Chill your tits. Destress your breasts. Soothe your boobs." She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "undo the calamity that is your mammaries."

I stifled a chuckle as she flashed her bigass crooked grin at me. "Alright, I'm sorry I was late. I just lost track of time and didn't really wanna come back to this place, you know? I'm too trapped in my own mind here." I mumbled.

"Yeah, I get it Frank. But we still have each other, and we still have to look out for each other. Just like I did for you when Miss Nora asked if you were in your room and I said yes." She smirked at me, "come in my room and me and you can talk about stuff, I know you've got a lot going through your head right know and it can't be easy."

"Thank you, Emma. But... I really don't feel like talking about things. I mean, what happened happened, and I can't change it. And no matter what I say to anyone, they can't ever understand, and I don't want them to. I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself and work through them than tell other people and make some big deal out of nothing. I just... I need to be alone for a while. I'm sorry..." I stared at the ground, forcing myself not to meet her gaze.

"I get that, Frank. Really, I do. I just know that when stuff happened with my family... Well... I tried to hold it in and I picked up some bad habits. If I'd had someone to talk to and vent to, I think things would've been better. I'm not saying you have to talk, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, and I'm literally right next door if you ever need to talk," she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight, "get some rest, okay?" I smiled and nodded as she retreated back to her room, with myself then doing the same.


I heaved a sigh of relief as the last bell finally rang, releasing me from the hell that is school. I grabbed my bag and waved to Patrick and Pete before jogging out of the building. Usually I rode the bus with Emma, but today I had a few stops to make on the way back to the orphanage.

I slipped in my earbuds as I walked and enjoyed the crisp fall air. The walk wasn't too long, but I still took my time. I might as well enjoy the all the little things, they're what make the days pass a little easier.

Eventually the diner came into view and I took a deep breath. I took out my earbuds and pulled open the door, scanning the room for LynZ. Eventually I spotted her talking to a coworker in the back, and I waved slightly in an attempt to get her to notice me. Eventually she caught my gaze and took off her apron before rushing over to me and pulling me into a hug.

"Frank! Hey! It's been a while, what's up?" Her smile faltered as she saw the blank expression on my face.

"Hey, um, I know we don't know each other very well, but I didn't really know who else to come to. Things with me and Gerard didn't work out... And... and..." I choked up, my mouth physically couldn't form the next words I had planned to say; I just stood there as my own body failed me. Fuck...

"Hey, hey, it's alright. Take a deep breath, I'll be right back." She smiled reassuringly before jogging over to the woman I presumed to be her boss. They talked briefly, LynZ then returning and pulling me into the corner booth. "Okay, I'm on my break right now so we can sit and talk for however long you need, okay?" I nodded.

"Thanks... I don't know why I'm getting so upset right now... I just..." I took a deep breath and reorganized my thoughts. "A little over a month ago, Gerard came into my room and handed me a note. This note." I pulled the crumpled sheets I had reread hundreds of times from my pocket and slid them over to LynZ. "You can read it if you want, I just... He handed me that, and then he left. He didn't say a single word. Not even goodbye. He just left. And I haven't heard from him since."

She nodded as her eyes grazed over the papers she now held, the last words Gerard had 'said' to me. "Oh Frank... I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine, I guess. What happened happened, and I can't change it. I understand why he did it, I mean, he just wanted what's best for me. I get that. And I forgive him for hurting me; I could never stay upset with him for that." I muttered, doing everything in my power to keep from crying.

"If you understand and you forgive him, then why are you here Frank?" LynZ asked.

"Because I'm worried about him. I don't know much, but I know that he loved me. And I know that I love him. And it's been really, really rough on me. Clearly. And hey, maybe he's doing fine, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like he's having a hard time too. And I just want him to be okay, but I can't go check on him. I'm worried sick about him, and I can't even go see how he's doing." I felt a tear slip down my cheek once more, "That's why I'm here. Please go check on him; make sure he's alright. You don't have to come find me and tell me what's going on with him, I don't want to know. I just want to know that someone who cares about him is looking out for him. I just want him to be okay- with or without me there." LynZ nodded and pulled me into a hug from across the table.

"Thanks for coming to me Frank, I'll go check on him and help him through whatever is going on. I'll make sure he's okay." She smiled as we let go of one another.

"Thank you, so much. I've gotta get going now though."

"Okay, Frank. I'll see you around then I guess." She pulled her apron back on.

I just smiled and waved; Gerard would be alright. And that's all that matters.


Sorry for the wait for this one guys, I've had a lot going on at work the past few weeks but all the big stuff is done now so I have more time for updating (yay)

You guys probably don't care, but where I work is at a Krav Maga school (it's a martial art form that is primarily self defense, it's all about being able to defend yourself from any attacker on the street or in any situation- no competitions or anything like that, it's not for sport) and I just passed an incredibly hard 3 day test and I'm now a certified teacher for level 1 and I'm really excited about it so I thought I'd share ((:

Also I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter but oh well I guess, what's written is written.

I hope you guys are having a fabulous day and please leave a vote or comment and yea (:

Merci pour le venin...

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