"I know I know. How much longer?" I asked.

"Well judging by the traffic.. another hour and a half."

I let out a groan and slid down in my seat. I might as well use this time to sleep.


I woke up a couple minutes before pulling up to the airport. Dev texted me about 10 minutes ago that she had just landed.

To say I am excited to see her would be an understatement.

After a short walk through the airport and a tight squeeze from my best friend.. we were finally reunited.

We caught up on a lot of things going on back home on our walk through the airport and the whole drive home. She knew better than to bring up anything boy related around my dad.

She exchanged hugs with my grandparents and we ran upstairs.

"Spill." She said bluntly after slamming my door.

"Where do I even begin?"

"From the beginning? Where else?" She asked sarcastically.

I filled her in on everything. I went into a lot of detail because Devinee expected nothing less.

"Okay, so one question."

"Shoot." I said.

"What are you doing?"

"What?" I was so lost.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Quit being cryptic, asshole." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"What are you going to do? You have some of the most attractive, I mean that's what you say anyways, chasing after you. You also friend zoned the hell out of one of them. I'm just wondering how your face isn't covered in acne from all the stress." She joked

"Well I don't know exactly what I'm doing. I was hoping you could help me out with that, best friend. We can do our own thing tonight but tomorrow you're meeting Brett!" I clapped reminding myself of Chelsea. Weird.

"You have no idea how excited I am to see some fresh meat. Can we please go to the beach while the suns still out? I think better when I'm relaxed and honey.... your mess is going to take some major thinking." She said rubbing her temples.

"You really should've gone into theater" I mocked.

"Yeah? Why's that?" Devinee asked clearly not picking up on what I was meaning.

"Because you're dramatic as all hell" I tried to be serious but just couldn't. I broke out into laughter and laughed even harder when she pushed me onto my bed. She walked away to pick out her beach outfit.

"Well, we are in LA... where stars are born and made." She replied with a smirk.

After cooling down we got changed and started walking to the beach. Saying Devinee was excited would be an understatement. Before we left she kept going on about how we NEED to look good because we never know who we may come across and with my recent friend zoning of Luke I'm totally on the market'.

Her life motto was "single and ready to mingle" at all times.

We found the perfect spot at the beach and settled down. I brought a book with me but Devinee decided to Snapchat everyone to make her presence in California known.

"Chey" she whispered.

"Chey sit up" She said hitting my shoulder. When I did, I was locking eyes with a gorgeous man.

Beach BabeWhere stories live. Discover now