Chapter 7

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                        Close The Yearbook

We pulled up to Dylan's house


Castle would be a better description, his house was astonishing. It was a gorgeous grey brick with a matching dark roof. There were giant windows and a garden decorating the ground around it. A vintage gate guarding the large property with a long driveway. I didn't even have enough time to count how many cars could fit in the garages. This place was like a fairytale.

"Welcome to my humble abode" Dylan announced turning his car off. We walked inside to a very modern living room. Everything about this place screamed new. I don't even want to know how much this place costs.

"Make yourself at home, I'll only be like 15 minutes." Dylan said walking into his bathroom. His house is so big that I decided to stay in his room for fear of getting lost.

I walked over to the giant window that was allowing the moon light to shine in perfectly.

He has two pools?! Who needs two pools?! I walked around his room, which is also huge by the way, looking at all his pictures, trophies, and wall decor. I've come to the conclusion that he's also good at sports and loves boobs.

How appealing.

After a couple minutes out came a wet Dylan with a towel wrapped around his waist. You could see every definition on his body. From his sculpted abs, to his back muscles that flexed with every step he took, to that damn V. The V is my weakness. His wet hair fell perfectly onto his forehead.

He walked over to his closet, a walk in closet, unphased by my staring. My gawking was interrupted by his gorgeous voice.

"Hey Chey, come help me decide what to wear." He shouted from his closet.

"What help could I possibly be" I asked walking in.

"Well you look like a snack tonight so I thought I might match your style. Help me choose from some options so we can be, without a doubt, the best looking people at the party." He said trying to sound convincing.


We settled on some khaki pants, a nice button up, and some sperry's.

"So is this a frat party we're going to?" I asked.

"No.. why?"

"That's a shame, you're dressed for the part." I said as I started laughing. He gave me a dirty look that only made me laugh harder.

"You know, you helped me pick this out. You can't make fun. But if this is your way of trying to get me undressed I'm totally down.." he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Calm down Brett, your sleezy comments aren't helping your case." I chuckled.

"Whatever, that was the most insulting thing you could say to me. Anyways, you ready babe?" He said leaving his room.

"As ready as I'll ever be.. babe" I replied turning off the lights before waltzing out.

We hopped in a different car than earlier. Now we were taking a brand new Audi R8. I wasn't the one driving but I was almost sure I'd be the reason we wrecked it. I was a nervous mess for half of the ride before Dylan finally told me to relax. He tried holding my hand but I demanded he have both hands on the wheel.

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