Chapter 8

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I Don't Surf

I probably would've slept in past noon had I not been woken up by the persistent buzzing coming from my phone.

Devinee was calling.

"Hello?" I answered with a groggy morning voice.

"Hey hoe. It's been a hot minute, haven't heard from you. I was beginning to think you fell off the face of the earth. It's weird not talking to you everyday." She said with a sad tone.

"I know I know. I've been crazy busy with everything it seems like. You'll be here soon enough though!" Thinking about her coming makes me think of something else.


"Hey, I actually know this cute guy that wants to meet you!" I said excitedly.

"Really? What's his name? What's he look like? His zodiac sign?" She started asking too many questions. She did that when she got excited.

"Relax, his name is Brett. He's a hunk.. you'll have to figure out the rest when you get here! You have a lot in common." I meant that. The more I talked to Brett, the more he reminded me of Devinee. To be honest, I think she is the only girl on this planet that could handle Brett.

"Ugh fine. Well I have to get to work but I thought I'd at least call to tell you I missed you. I'll see you soon enough. Please please please text me more.. it's harder to keep tabs on you when you're states away." She wasn't kidding either. She really did like to be updated as much as possible. I didn't mind either.. made us a lot closer.

"Alright, love you! Talk to you soon" I said hanging up.

I could really go for some breakfast.

I walked downstairs and poured myself some cereal. I had a nice conversation with my dad and grandma. My dad's going back next week so I have plenty of time to have him incase I need help settling in.

Our conversation came to a hault due to a loud slamming of the door, lots of stomping feet, and Brooke's familiar squealing.

"Hey girl!!" Brooke yelled wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey guys, what're you doing here?" I looked around to see the whole group here. Minus Luke.

"We came to see you silly! Go get cleaned up and I'll pick out your swim suit!" Brooke was already up the stairs before I had he chance to react.

"What is she talking about" I asked the remaining in the room.

"The suns out and the waves are high. We're going surfing, beach babe." Dylan said sitting down next to me. "We'll wait down here for you. Apparently Brooke is upstairs planning your outfit now."

Kai looked over with a nervous look. "You better hurry, everyone's knows not to keep Brooke waiting"

The thought of Brooke doing any harm made me laugh. She was such a sweet girl!

"Alright alright, I'll go get ready. Brett? You're on dish duty." I commanded.

"What?! Why am I on dish duty. I didn't even use any of these!" He complained.

"Pleeeease?" I begged.

"Fine, you women I swear..." he huffed.

I ran upstairs and did was Brooke said. Cleaned up a little and obviously didn't worry about makeup considering we were going to be swimming. Brooke of course picked out an adorable outfit and a swim suit that stayed on well.

"Where's Luke?" I asked her.

"Wouldn't you like to know.." she replied wiggling her eyebrows and nudging me.

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