Chapter 9

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Campus Tour

This morning felt different. A good different.

Today was the day I finally let go. I was tired of everything being so controlled in my life.. But that's all I've ever known. Everything has always been so planned and strict. It was never my parents that were strict with me, it was myself. I always liked being in charge of everything that goes on around me.

Starting today, that was going to change. People are meant to have fun, go on dates, take chances, fall in love, get their hearts broken, fall on their asses, and prosper. That's what life was about and until now.. I was never really living.

Before I went to bed last night, I realized just how adventurous my newfound friends are. They were like a breath of fresh air and I wanted to change some things around. How I feel about relationships still stands but I'm not going to shove any and every guy away that comes my direction.

I completely forgot about it with everything going on but I was finally going to tour the UCLA campus and get the key to my dorm room and finally meet my roommate in person. So I got up and decided to look nice. My dad always told me 'dress to impress' and that's what I was shooting for. It's not very often a small town Kansas girl gets accepted into UCLA.

I curled my hair for a soft waved look and simple makeup. I tried to be out the door early in hopes of getting there before the wave of eager students do.

My dad agreed to drive me there but he'd go explore while I did my thing. I was okay with that, I'm going to be all over the place and I'd feel bad for dragging him everywhere.

The drive from Malibu to UCLA was only about 30 minutes. My dad told me to pay extra attention considering this was a drive I'd be taking often. I'll be living in the dorms but to be honest I'll probably spend more time at my grandma's house.


"Alright alright, I got it dad. I know which way to go. Is your phone all charged up?" I had to constantly remind him to charge his phone. He hated that thing but lord knows we'd never find him if he didn't have one.

"Yes, Cheyenne. My phone is charged. I won't be far so if you need anything call me. Let me know when you want me to come back and look around with you." He replied putting the car into drive. That was his way of saying 'go already' in the nicest way possible. I gave him a grin, shut the door, and waved as he pulled off.

There it was. The beautiful school of UCLA, standing tall and proud. The grass was green and be bricks were light. Even though I was early, the campus was slowly becoming swamped with freshman. I started walking because if I stayed there staring all day nothing would get done.

Normally I would shy away and look at the ground as I walked but I remembered my little pep talk this morning.

New me.

I kept my head high and even smiled or waved at people. I got the same response in return and that helped my confidence a ton. After a while I tuned people out to take in the scenery around me. I was so focused on a sign that I bumped into someone resulting in my falling on my ass.

Just when I thought I was doing so good..

I brushed my hair out of my face and grabbed the hand that was being offered to me. I stood up coming face to face with.. Aidan?

"We have got to stop meeting like this" he laughed. He began to pick up my purse and some of the things that fell out.

"Yikes I'm so sorry. I really need to start paying attention to what's in front of me." I could barely look him in the eyes. I was red with embarrassment.

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