"Does it matter?" he raised a brow. I opened my mouth to speak, but dad cleared his throat and straightened his posture as he continued, "It shouldn't matter anyway, you're my son I don't need to answer to you."

My jaw went slack as I stared at my father. I knew he was right and I couldn't disobey him, I am a grown man, but I've been raised correctly. I lowered my gaze at the papers again as I put them in the folder. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Mason looked at us.

It only occurred to me then that the television was turned down. The only sound to be heard was the slurps of my father when he'd drink coffee and the distant murmurs of the television voices.

Mason was dressed in his gym wear and said he'd wait for me, but at the situation that we're in, I'd prefer that he be in the gym rather than down here with my father.

"So, when are you going on that trip with mom?" I asked since I've never heard about it before. When dad told David, it's the first time I ever heard of it. When I asked my siblings, they were surprised too.

"Oh, in a couple of days. Your mother and I have a few things we have to sort out here then we'll be gone for a week or two." Dad responded as he took the file from me.

"That's great; it's been long since the two of you have been somewhere alone," I said because if my parents went anywhere, it'd be for work or a function.

"Indeed, your mother is very excited," Dad said as he rose to his feet and gathered his things. Simultaneously Mason stood up as I did.

"Well, I'll be loaded with work, so I don't think I'll be able to see you," I said as I looked at my father. "Hope you enjoy your trip and tell mom too."

Dad nodded then turned to Mason who approached us from the living room. He shook hands with my father with a smile plastered on his face. Dad turned around, and we hugged. Something about the hug made me uncomfortable since it was longer than our regular hugs and that he was stiff.

When dad left, I noticed he didn't drink the rest of his coffee. I drank the little remains of mine as Mason went up to the gym and set things up for us. My maid lingered around and cleaned from dinner. I had her for a few years, so I trusted her as I went upstairs to change.

Since it was a long day, I decided on a black pair of Nike shorts, muscle tee, and runners. We only did warm-ups then boxing. Once I was done, I went downstairs and grabbed two bottles of water and my phone.

When I checked my phone, I was surprised to see that Gabriella tried to call me a couple of times. The last time she tried to call was ten minutes ago. It was strange that she called but didn't even leave one message. I decided to leave a little message in case if it was anything urgent.

Adam: Everything okay?

She didn't reply straight away, so I went to the gym and joined Mason. As I walked down the hall, the music got louder. When I entered the room, I noticed him by the punching bag. His brunette locks bounced with every punch he made.

I put my phone and the water bottles down then walked around the room. He noticed me from the corner of his eye and slowed down his movements. I stood on the opposite end and held the punching bag as he repeatedly hit it.

After five minutes, we switched, and I put my gloves. My eyes were on the bag, but my mind was on the several phone calls Gabriella sent. It was odd that she'd call but not leave at least one message.

"Whoa, there." Mason's laugh snapped me out of my thoughts. I blinked and realized I'd hit too hard as he gripped on the bag. He tilted his head and raised a brow. "I think we should take a break."

I laughed and sat down on the bench. I checked my phone once again yet there was nothing. Mason turned the music down then sat beside me. He drank the water as I took my gloves off.

"So, how was California?" Mason asked. I turned to him and noticed how he wiggled his brows.

"It was good." I nodded as I thought over what happened the past week. My brows knitted in frustration as I thought of that one day when Gabriella and I walked on the beach. "She's a smoker."

Mason didn't seem phased as he set his bottle down then stared at the ground. His shoulders slouched as he made a steeple with his fingers and spoke, "Huh, I would've never thought."

"Same here, but I caught her smoking with the workers," I said and sighed at the memory.

"How long?"

"I don't know but her assistant Dominique told me that, that's why she chews gum all the time. To resist the temptation to have a cigarette." I said and remembered the kiss we shared at the apartments. When she had gum in her mouth, and I got annoyed and took it out.

"That explains a lot." He said then let out a chuckle. "I thought it was to release stress or not go out on you."

I playfully rolled my eyes to which he laughed. I was about to tell him about her uncle until I heard voices downstairs. Mason must've known it too when he turned to me with a raised a brow.

"Your maid still here?" he asked as I rose to my feet.

"Yeah, she's just cleaning up," I said then listened in further. Suddenly we heard taps that bounced off the walls as they got louder. I looked over my shoulder at Mason who seemed as confused as I was since he shrugged.

When I turned to the door, I was surprised to see Gabriella Smith walk in with a smile plastered on her face. She let out a squeal as she stopped and kicked off her heels then ran toward me.

My eyes widened as she raised her arms then jumped onto me. I staggered back as my arms wrapped around her while her legs locked around my waist. It was odd to hear her laugh as I looked up at her.

"Why are you so happy?" Mason asked as Gabriella finally pulled away and landed on her feet. I noticed she couldn't suppress the smile on her face as it only grew. Gabriella's eyes flickered from Mason, then to me.

"We got it!" she squealed as I raised a brow. "The investors, they're signing the contract as we speak!"

My eyebrows rose, and I let out a laugh as she jumped up and down and squealed. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Mason rose to his feet then stood beside me as we watched Gabriella.

"Congrats, you two," Mason said as he rested his palm on my shoulder. "This calls for a celebration."

"Indeed, Mister Taylor!" Gabriella said then turned to me. "We did it!"

"No, you did it," I said as she tilted her head at me. "I don't know what you did that day to persuade them, but it was all on you."

"Thank you, Adam." She said, and I noticed how her features softened. Gabriella turned to Mason as the corner of her mouth rose. "We're gonna' have a real celebration and vacation...pack your bags boys, we're going to Cuba for Spring Break." She announced and although I was happy I couldn't help but think why she chose Cuba of all places. 

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