Then it stopped, and I sighed in relief. Finally it wasー

"Robin B-01, Aqualad B-02.."

I groaned in frustration as voice droned on again, this time announcing the aliases of the team. I clamped my hands over my ears, trying to get away from the annoying tone. Honestly, how could they stand this every time a large group of people entered the base?

Well, at least I knew my welcoming committee was here.

I hopped off of the counter, the sandwich only half eaten. I started towards the exit of the kitchen, making extra sure to keep my heels quiet. I crept down the hall and turned to the left. Then I looked back. An eyebrow raised. Waitー how the hell do I get out of here?

"Great," I muttered.

Just great.

* * *

It had been a good five minutes before I actually found the main room of the cave. I took a deep breath, hearing voices I couldn't distinguish coming from the large cavern. I made the sound of my heels on the floor loud.

The room suddenly silenced.

I took another casual bite of my sandwich, acting like I wasn't freaking out inside. The lights of the room suddenly hit me and I stepped into view. I pulled a smirk, looking up to find not only the team but a majority of the League powerhouses and mentors as well.

Though the moment was short-lived when I heard someone shout.

"No, wait!"

I glanced to my right, the only thing saving me from being impaled at the moment was my reflexes. I dropped the sandwich, stepping to the left as my food was suddenly pinned to the wall behind me. I turned around, hoping surprise was written all over my face like I felt it was.

A black and green arrow held my sandwich to the wall.

I turned towards the group of people and noticed archery chick with her bow raised high. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to glare. I wanted to shout and scream and tell her off and fight her, but I disregarded my instinct and instead put my hands up in mock surrender. Starting a fight with one of the Justice Babies while the Justice League was here would probably not end well for me.

"So you don't like turkey," I began slowly, "noted."

Then there was silence. I wasn't exactly sure if it was shock or just disgust, but it was awkward. Like, really awkward.

"What are you doing here?"

I turned towards the only voice in the roomー Superman. Thank God he at least had some common decency. All of those years on the farm, most likely. I flashed him a 'are you seriously dumb?' look. "Umm.. last time I checked, you invited me here."

"I mean, what were you doing in the kitchen?"

I stared at him weirdly again. "I was hungry?"

He sighed in frustration. "No, I mean, why are you early?"

"Did you want me to be late?" I asked.

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