25. Another World

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I woke up on the ground literally in the middle of a field.

"Nice one Helena." I mumbled and figured I didn't really wanna deal with this like this. So I guess I will turn it on.

"That's better." I whispered to my self and started walking around I felt like I was for real in the middle of nowhere. How in the hell am I gonna find my way back? It doesn't even look like anyone's out here besides me.

Hell it honestly doesn't even look like I'm in Springfield anymore, it almost looks like I'm back home in England. I mean our castle was literally in the middle of nowhere and was surrounded by fields like this.

"Lena." I heard and I definitely recognized that voice, I turned around.

"April." I said.

"I take it your switch is back on?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for killing you." I said.

"Sure you are." She said walking past me.

"I thought there would be more people here." I said following her.

"I've only seen a few people and they definitely know who you are, you killed them. They were vampires but they've moved on went some where else." She explained.

"It's just you and me then?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's other portals that are supposed to lead to different parts of the world around here, but I haven't found one yet." She answered.

"Any idea where we are?" I asked.

"Yeah, England. Since I was killed by you I have to start where you are from, it's kinda stupid." She answered and we both stopped.

"I take it that's your Castle?" She asked.

"Yeah but it's different." I answered and I ran to it walked right in. I mean it somewhat looks the same but some stuff is very different.

"Maybe more modern day or something." April said.

"Maybe, I hated this place so much after I became a vampire. At the top of the steps first door on the right, that's where my mother died right in that room. I had sneak just to see her other wise my dad would of tried killing me, he didn't trust any vampire not even his own daughter." I explained.

"I can't imagine my parents turning on me like that." April said.

"It was pretty horrible, Tommy and Helena were all I had, my own family turned on me." I said.

"Well come, there's a portal in here but I need you with me to go threw it."


"I can't believe you did that." Tommy said to me, everyone is flipping on me for throwing Lena through the portal but she was lying to me, I knew she wouldn't turn it back on.

"I did what I had to do so don't start. If you were in my situation you probably would of done the same thing." I explained.

"I'd used the portal to get to her, I'd use it as the very last option other than killing her. And let's not forget about Roman, you just ended his life, now he has to be like use." Tommy explained.

"I did what I thought I had to do, if you were in my shoes and the one making those choices, I wouldn't judge you for it." I said and walked away. We were back out in the middle of nowhere and I needed to talk to Roman. In a way I do feel bad but I did what I thought I had to do.

I walker into the woods a little bit and found Roman sitting by the water fall that was back here. I walked up to him and he didn't care that I was there, I could tell.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Why? Something else you forgot to screw up?" He asked, I sighed and sat next to him.

"Roman I'm sorry, for everything but you'll never understand the position I was in. I knew Lena was lying to me, I had to throw her threw the portal, it was the only way to save her this time." I answered.

"And putting me in transition?" He asked.

"It's gonna take a while for her to get out, while we are here living our lives she'll be fighting to get hers back." I answered.

"How do you know? How do you know that it's gonna take her a while?" He asked.

"Think about it, Joseph was in there for over a century. You can't tell me that just at the right time he managed to cross over, it took time which is something you didn't have, so I gave it to you." I Answered.

"You should of waited to be sure." He said.

"I know for sure, a few decades will pass before we see her again, possibly longer." I told him.

"There's no way it's gonna take that long." He mumbled.

"I know for sure she's gonna want you here when she gets back, no matter how long it's gonna take. Now you have about 10 hours left as a human, I'd enjoy it if I were you." I told him.

"I'm gonna go home and seen my parents then, I'll be back when the sun sets." He said and we both got up and walked back to the house together.

"Be careful Roman, me and Tommy are gonna be looking for some of the Vampires that escaped the tomb, so just be careful they might recognize you." I said as he got into his truck.

"I'll be fine."

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