23. One Down, Two To Go

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"Don't worry, we'll figure something out." I told them.

"This bad Helena, they have Dean and god only knows what's happening to him." April said.

"It's gonna be fine, we just need a little time to find them." Tommy said and I could hear the back door opening.

"You heard that to?" April asked, I nodded my head yes and the lights started flickering and after a few seconds it stopped. And Lena had Sara with her hand wrapped tightly around her throat.

"Lena no." Roman said.

"Why do you care about her Roman, she's so unless!" Lena yelled and threw Sara threw the sliding glass door.

"Lena you Really need to stop this, this isn't you. We are all you friends, you wouldnt hurt any of us." I started explained to her.

"You know better, that Lena is gone Helena, the girl you met in 1828 is gone, and she's NEVER coming back out." Lena said and she quickly grabbed April and pulled her heart out.

"Nooo!" Sara screamed.

"Oh my god." I whispered and we were all in shock.

"This is your last warning, back off. Stop trying to fix me." Lena said and held onto April's heart as April turned into a dark grey color.

"Lena what have you done!" I yelled and went after her and I heard something snap and I blacked out.


"Lena don't kill her to, leave her." I quickly said, Lena just snapped Helena's neck.

"I won't kill her, yet. Remember last warning." She said and took off and she for some reason still had April's heart with her.

"Is April really Dead?" Seth asked.

"Yeah she is, there's no undoing it." I answered and picked up Helena and laid her on the couch. I went back over to April's body and I grabbed necklace, it's the one that Sara made for her to protect her from sunlight. I walked over to Sara and handed it to her.

"You need to fix Lena before she kills someone else." Sara said with tears running down her face.

"Yeah I know, I'll figure something out." I told her and went to back over and picked April up.

"Stay in here, I won't be long. " I told Seth and Roman, they nodded their heads yes and I took off. I had to go bury April, I don't know how we are going to handle her mother with this or tell Dean. I can't believe we let this happen.


The door opened and I expected it to be Lena but it was William and Joseph.

"Come on out." Joseph said and I decided to listen so I got up of the chair and walked out and followed them into the living room.

"Please have a more comfortable seat." William said as he sat down in a chair and Joseph was pouring some drinks. I sat on the couch we heard a door open.

"Lena darling, is that you." William said.

"Hello." She said walking in with something in her hand.

"And what is this?" William asked her as she sat down in his lap, with blood running down her hand.

"April's heart, I had to make myself perfectly clear. They finally listened." She said and my heart immediately sank and I honestly wanted to burst into tears.

"Lovely." William said.

"Now I know where they are, let's continue with our plan." Lena said.

"What plan?" I asked.

"See so far Joseph was the only one to come threw that portal, and before it sucks him back in, we need to fill his spot." Lena said.

"And who's gonna fill in his spot?" I asked.

"The only person who can, Roman is his doppelganger. We have to put Roman in the portal." Lena answered. How could she wanna do this to Roman. I know she has her switch off but it's Roman.

"So that's why you wanted him?" I asked.

"Yep and since we know where they are, we won't need you anymore. I'll take you home." Lena said she got up, I did to and we walked out side and to one of the cars that were parked and she drove me home.

"So your really just gonna let me go?" I asked.

"Yeah, you have no use to us anymore."  She answered.

"Why did you kill her?" I asked.

"I told you, to send a message to your friends. I'm tried of playing games, but don't worry you'll get over it." She answered.

"I hope they kill you, whether your the real Lena or not, I hope they kill you." I told her.

"They wont, they think they can fix me. Their gonna find out the hard way that I'm not fixable." She said with an evil smirk on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Let's just say if they don't stop trying to fix me, Tommy's next."

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