22. Sired

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"Your an idiot and just don't know what you doing I bet." I nearly  yelled at Joseph.

"Lena, he's not human. Go in and try it since your better at this." He said.

"I am better at it, you were a vampire for a split second before being placed in the portal on the other side, you didn't have time to explore your powers.'' I said and walked in and seen Dean still sitting in the chair I sat him in.

"So Joseph had some problems with you." I said sitting in front of him on the chair.

"I didn't feel like being compelled anyways." He said to me.

"Well its not like you have a choice, now look here." I said and looked in his eyes.

"Well what's wrong with me?" He asked.

"I've never seen this before, so that's a good question." I said ND got up and opened the door.

"You can come out, we won't bite." I told him and he chuckled.

"I don't fully trust you." He told me but he still got up and walked out.

"They left, their going to do some research on you. Which means me and you are going out as well.'' I told him.

"Where to?'' He asked.

"Some out of town, where we both can have some fun." I answered.

"No, I won't do that." He told me.

"Come on, no one has to know about it, not even Joseph or William." I told him seductively and kissed his neck.

"STOP!'' He yelled then pushed me away.

"This isn't you Lena, turn it back on." He said.

''It's not that simple besides I'm sired to keep it off." I told him.

"Sired?" He asked.

"It's like compelling but more, powerful. Sired is when a old vampire compelles and younger vampire. The only way out of it is if the vampire that did it dies." I explained to him.

"Then kill him." He said.

"I'm also sired to not do that." I told him.

"Just stop acting seductively around me and we'll both be find.'' He said.

''I could try but it's not gonna be easy Dean, William told me to keep you distracted how ever I had to. " I explained.

"Acting like a slut isn't gonna help anyone Lena.'' He said.

"I can't help it, my mind and body is doing it because I was told to. It's not easy trying to resist it." I told him.

"Just try your best, your one of my best friends, girlfriend. I'm not sleeping with you." He said.

"Technically this part of me isn't taken by anyone not even Roman or William." I told him.

"Your still Lena, your still the same girl." He said.

"Actually I'm not, look at it this way. When your humanity switch is flipped, you should just say a different personality comes up, while the original one is trapped inside. I'm not the same Lena." I explained.

"But I see no difference, I see a scared girl trying to survive. Keep her friends protected, in a way, you have a lot in common with the other side of you." He told me.

"Glad you see it that way cause I don't." I said and opened the door to the room he was already in.

"How much longer do I have to stay here?" He asked walking in.

"Until we find Roman, which is what I'm going to try to do." I answered and shut the door and locked it.

I went straight to Romans house, his parents weren't home so I let my self in. I looked everywhere and was about to walk out the door but I peeked threw the window and seen Roman and April coming up to the front door I quickly ran up the steps and watched them over the banister.

"I doubt they'll hurt Dean." Roman said as him and April came in.

"I don't know, you haven't seen Lena with her switch off. She broke my neck for crying out loud." April said.

"Pussy." I mumbled and they just kept talking about that and they started coming upstairs so I went into Romans parents bedroom and kept listening.

"Maybe they have some kind of control over her." Roman suggested and they went into his bedroom.

"How? Vampires can't compelle other vampires." April asked.

"Maybe they found another way." Roman answered and he walked out with a duffle bag full of his things, April followed him and they left. I quickly got out of the house and Roman was driving his truck with April in the passenger seat. I followed them out into literally the middle of nowhere and see them going into a cabin.

Helena and Tommy were out on the front porch waiting for them and I seen Seth in side.

"So this is where you all are hiding." I mumbled and went straight back to the house and Joseph and William weren't back yet so I let Dean out.

"Where did you go?" Dean quickly asked.

"I found them, figure I let you out for a bit and maybe pay them a visit later."I answered and he walked out.

"Your not gonna do anything are you?" He asked.

"I need to send a message, however that's going to go." I answered.

"What are you going to do Lena? Most importantly why?" He asked.

"I'm sired to do whatever it takes plus my switch is off, which makes it even easier." I answered.

"Lena don't, please you need to turn your switch back on. Your a better person when it's on, your making bad choices your going to regret." He said but if he thinks this is going to get me to turn my switch back on, he's a fool.

"Dean, I'm not just going to flip it back on. Nothing you say right now matters to me." I told him.

"What about Roman?" He asked.

"I don't need him anymore, I have Joseph and William." I answered.

"Roman loves you, he wouldn't wanna see you like this. He would want you to turn it back on." He said.

"Your absolutely right, that's why I won't turn it back on because when I have it on it only pleases other people, I'm done doing what others want me to do." I told him and grabbed him and tossed him back into that room.

"Lena don't go!" He yelled at me.

"I think I'm gonna pay April a little visit, I'll bring you a souvenir back." I said and shut and locked the door, a few seconds later he started pounding on it and screaming for me not go leave but I'm done playing nice. I'm gonna do what I have to.

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