9. That Afternoon

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I went to school today like normal, me and Seth acted like nothing happened. I wanted to keep it between me and him.

"Hey Lena." Roman said as we walked outside together.

"What's up?" I asked as he grabbed my hand and we started walking over to the football field.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the founders ball with me?" He asked.

"Right the founders ball is Friday." I said.

"Have something planned already?" He asked.

"No I just forgot about it, but yes I will go with you." I answered and his face lit up even though he tried to hide it.

"Good." He said.

"Now I have to find a dress and it's a ball so it's gotta be long." I said.

"April can help you with that, her mom owns a dress shop she's taking you today." He said.

"Good, what about you?" I asked.

"Don't worry I'm on it." He answered.

"Good." I said.

"Another thing to, my parents will be gone all weekend, if you wanna stay?" He asked.

"That one I will have to think about." I answered. I'm not completely sure I would be able to control myself and I really don't wanna risk it.

"No pressure at all." He said.

"Alright, I should probably get going because April and Dean are over there." I told him pointing towards the parking lot.

"Ok, I'll call you later." He said and gave me a quick kiss.

"Ok." I said and walked over to April and Dean walked past me and he smelt like a freaking dog.

"Hi Lena." He said walking past me.

"Hi Dean." I said back and walked straight to April.

"Hey girl, you ready?" She asked.

"Definitely, you going to the founders ball to?" I asked.

"Yeah I kinda have to, I part of one of the founding families, I have to attend it's mandatory." She answered.

"I didn't know that." I said as we got In her car.

"Yeah but it's not that exciting, it's more like hell. Dean and Sara know exactly what I'm talking about." She said and started driving.

"They're both part of the founding families to?" I asked.

"Yeah, the 'Knights ' and 'Good', I'm a 'Mendez.' And Romans also a founding family member to." She answered.

"He didn't tell me that." I said.

"Well he is, he's a 'Anoa'i', his dad's also the mayor." She said.

"What about Seth?" I asked.

"No, which its kinda a good thing. He doesn't have to deal with the bullshit, and neither do you." She answered.

"Good to know." I said as she pulled into the parking lot of some dress shop.

"So your mom owns this?" I asked.

"Yeah she gets the best designer clothes, jewelry shoes, everything." She explained as we went in.

"This is also where I get my dresses for the dances and the founders ball." She explained as we went over to the dresses.

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