5. We Mean You No Harm

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6:30 pm

I was in my room when I heard a knock at the door, I knew exactly who it was. Sara and Seth, I watched Sara take my jacket out of my locker, if she wants to find out what I am along with her little boy toy. Their both In for a bloody mess.

I walked down stairs and opened the door. They were both just standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Can we talk?" Seth asked.

"Sure, come on in." I answered and them being Idiots they did just that.

"Now." I said and grabbed Sara by her throat and started squeezing.

"What do you Want?" I asked.

"Please don't hurt her, we mean you no harm." Seth said.

"For her sake I hope your telling the truth, because she'll die first." I said and let Sara go and she started coughing.

"Now, what do you want?" I asked again.

"To know why you killed those people." Sara answered.

"Are you dumb? Vampires need blood to survive, and I didn't kill those people." I said.

"Then how do you feed? And all vampires are cold hearted murders." Seth said.

"Come with me, and not all of them are." I said and they followed me down to the basement.

"Why are we down here?" Sara asked.

"Because you two really are dumb." I answered and opened the fridge and they seen the blood bags.

"I don't kill people, at one point I did but I've changed over the years." I explained.

"We just wanted to Make sure you weren't gonna hurt Roman." Seth said.

"I wouldn't ever hurt him, I love him." I said and walked past them and up the steps.

"How can you love him already?" Sara asked.

"I'm not gonna explain myself to you, you can figure that out your self." I told them and opened the front door.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about me." I said as they started walking towards the door.

"Don't worry we won't." Sara said.

"If you do, I swear to god, I'll kill you." I told them.

"You have our word." Seth said and I watched them leave. I sighed and closed the door and turned around and I seen someone go into the kitchen.

"Who's there?!" I yelled. No answer I walked into the kitchen and seen the only real friend I have besides Tommy that's a vampire.

"Helena." I said.

"Hello Elizabeth."

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