19. Decisions

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"Uh oh."

"What?" April quickly asked.

"Your........... in transitioning." I answered.

"How?" Dean asked.

"April, Did you die last night?" I asked her.

"I thought it was a dream." She mumbled.

"What happened?" I asked her. And she looked behind me and at Roman.

"I want Roman out of here now." She said.

"Why?" Roman quickly said

"Cause you came In here last night and killed me that's why. You did this to me!" April yelled at him.

"April he was with me last night." I told her.

"It was him that did this to me, he was the only one here." She said and I realized I would have to use my vision power that I haven't used in literally a hundred years.

"April I need you to think about what happened last night, think about it like step by step what happened,okay?" I asked her.

"Okay." She said and I took her hand so I could see what she was thinking. Everything happened fast, after I seen everything I stopped and got up.

"Well?" April asked. I ignored her and pulled out my phone and called Helena.

Helena: Hey what's up?
Lena: We have a really big problem. Meet me at the tomb.
Helena: I'll be there in a few.

"Lena, what am I supposed to do?" She asked.

"You have a boyfriend, feed off of him." I answered and walked out of the room and out of the hospital. Then I ran straight to the old church.

"What's going on?" Helena quickly asked.

"Just come with me." I said and we jumped down into the tomb.

"What is that?" Helena asked.

"It's a portal, that's how Joseph got threw." I answered.

"Wait what?" She quickly asked.

"April died last night, Joseph killed her. He suffocated her, She's in transitioning." I answered.

"Is she okay?" Helena asked.

"I think she's more upset then anything." I answered.

"Kinda figured that, we all were upset at first and still are sometimes. But we learn to deal with it, she'll get it, she's gonna need some help though." Helena explained.

"Yeah I know, but April, she different compared to us. And the bad part is I left her alone with 4 humans in her hospital room." I said realizing that I left a transitioning vampire in a freaking hospital.

"I'll go and get her to our house, you go to Seths dad. He might know what to do." Helena said taking off. I did the same but went to Seths dad's house.

"Wasn't expecting you." He said opening the door as I walked up the front steps.

"I know, somethings come up." I said and he stepped aside and let me in.

"Must be serious." He said and we walked into the living room and sat down.

"Last night April got hurt, I don't know if Seth told you or not. We had to give her vampire blood to heal her otherwise she wouldn't of made it. When we went to see her this morning, I realized she was in transitioning. She said that Roman did it to her, but he was with me last night." I explained everything.

"It's his doppelganger." He said.

"Doppelganger?" I asked.

"Yeah, every other century. A replica of the original is born, Roman is the 4th of his original." He answered.

"Okay but let's talk about this particular doppelganger. I know exactly who he is, he died in my arms. When the tomb was opened it also opened some kind of portal. That's how he's here, he killed April last night that's how she's in transitioning." I explained.

"This portal it could let others threw, that portal is the door way to the other side. If you die because of a supernatural cause, that's where you go, you don't go to heaven or hell." He explained

"He died because of vampires, that's why he went there." I said.

"Yeah, now I gotta figure out how to close it and to make sure everyone that's getting out is back in." He said.

"If there's anything I can do, please tell me." I said.

"Yeah get Seth and Sara over here, I'll need their help. Also, try to stall this doppelganger for as long as possible." He explained.

"You got it." I said and left, I went straight to the house. I walked in and seen everyone.

"Seth, Sara head over to your dads. Dean, Roman find something else to do outside of this house." I quickly said.

"Why?" They all asked.

"Did she change yet?"I asked.

"We're having difficulties. " Helena answered.

"Everybody that's a human out." I said and they all started walking out, I grabbed Dean and Roman to stop them.

"Go with Seth and Sara and don't ask questions." I told them both they nodded and did as I told.

"Why haven't you changed yet?" I asked April.

"I don't know if I want to." She answered.

"Listen there's other things going on right now. That are more dangerous than this, You two stay with her, I have to go. If she doesn't feed willingly, do it by force. She's not dieing tonight." I said and walked away to the door leaving Helena and Tommy to deal with this.

"Now where would you be?" I mumbled. As I walked outside, referring to Joseph. He could be anywhere right now, oh god. I ran straight to Romans house and quickly rang the door bell.

"Hello Lena." Romans mom answered the door.

"Hello, is Roman here?" I asked.

"Yeah he's in his room." She answered stepping aside to let me in.

"Thank you." I said and walked up the steps and went to Romans door. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. Joseph came and opened it but I pretended he was Roman.

"Hi babe." I said and hugged him, I knew he was going along with it when he hugged me back. He probably thought that he had me fooled.

"How's April?" He asked.

"She'll be fine, she hasn't changed yet but she will." I answered and we both let go.

"Are you forcing her to?" He asked.

"We can't lose her over this, we don't know how she died last night. She doesn't remember." I answered.

"Well what are we supposed to do about her?" He asked.

"Help her, when she changes.'' I answered.

"Ok." He said and we went and set down on his bed.

"So how was Dean on the way back?" I asked.

"Freaked out, worried." He answered.

"What did Seths dad have to say about all of this?" I asked.

"He was surprise when I told him everything." He answered.

"Really, because I already told him everything." I said catching him up in his lies. He grabbed me by my throat and slammed me into the wall, but since I'm older I'm stronger so I was able to turn the this around and I slammed him against the wall.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"I missed you Elizabeth." He answered.

"We both missed you." I heard but Joseph didn't say that, I thought I recognized that voice and I realized I was in some serious trouble.

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