6. Helena

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"Hello Elizabeth." Helena said calling me by my middle name.

"What are you doing here?" I asked giving her a hug.

"I seen Tommy, in New York this morning. I got here as fast as I could." She answered.

"He went to New York?" I asked.

"Yeah but he probably won't even stay there, that's not his place." She answered.

"True, so I take it your staying with me." I said.

"Definitely. I'd like to meet that new boyfriend of yours." She said.

"Tommy told you about that?" I asked.

"Of course." She answered.

"What all did he say?" I asked.

"Just that you have a boyfriend, he thinks it's not healthy for you to. He says you should turn it off, your humanity." She answered again.

"Yeah and if I did that, I'd become a real monster, again." I explained.

"Yeah don't do that." She told me.

"Trust me I wont." I said.

"Let's go out tonight, there's a bar here right?" Helena asked.

"Yeah there is."


"Hurry up Elizabeth!" I yelled upstairs, we were getting ready to go out to have a little girls night.

"A few more minutes and get the door please!" She said and there was a knock at the door right after she said that. I went to the door and opened it. I couldn't believe who I seen.

"Hi, is Lena here?" He asked.

"How are yo- Yeah she's upstairs. Wait here." I said and walked up the steps, I started to mumble and realized what I was saying so I stopped but why is Joseph here.

"OK I'm ready." Lena said and slapped her upside her head.

"How is Joseph here?" I asked her.

"That's not Joseph his names Roman." She answered.

"Why does he look like Joseph?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure I'm gonna figure it out but for now act like he doesn't look like Joseph." She said.

"Are you crazy!" I yelled at her.

"Be quiet about it." She said and walked past me.

"Elizabeth you've completely lost it." I mumbled and walked down stairs.

"Your busy tonight aren't you?" Roman/ Joseph asked. He looks exactly like him, I mean everything about him even his voice.

"I promised Helena a night out at the bar." Lena said.

"She could join us, if he wants I don't mind." I told them both.

"Yeah, invite the others to." Lena told him.

"Well their already at the bar so." He said.

"Well let's get going." Lena said and we left, Roman drove us to the bar.


"So Helena is all over Roman." Sara said, I was sitting with her and Seth at a table while everyone else was up at the bar.

"She's just curious, she means no harm." I told them.

"I can sense that, and that she's like you." Seth said.

"Yes she is like me, she's a whole century older than me." I told them.

"Wow, who's the other one in here?" Sara asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"He's the bar tender, I can feel it. All of his intentions, there bad." She answered.

"Distract the others, get them away from the bar." I told them and I waited for them to do just that. Then I went to the bar.

"I knew your friends could sense me, how are you Miss Elizabeth." He said.

"Charlie, right?" I asked, of course it was someone I knew from the old days.

"Right." He said.

"So what are you doing in Springfield?" I asked him.

"Same reason a lot of us are, you Remember what happened in 1824." He said as he poured me a drink.

"About that church burning down?" I asked.

"That would be the one, it's right here in Springfield. The remains of it and some other things." He said smirking.

"What other things?" I asked in a serious tone.

"All the vampires that were supposed to burn in that church. They really didnt, there's tunnels underneath the church and a tomb, filled with the vampires from the church." He explained.

"Their all still alive?" I asked.

"Yeah, their dehydrated of blood, a little bit of it and they'll be good to go. But we need a witch to undo the original spell meaning the witch would half to be a blood relative. We just haven't found one yet, you Remember Heather Lopez." He explained.

"She's long dead." I mumbled.

"Yeah she is, but the second we find a blood relative we are gonna get that tomb open and free those vampires." He said.

"Wait, William was in the fire. He could be in the tomb." I quickly said.

"There's a 50 percent chance he is." Charlie said.

"You can't open that tomb then." I told him.

"You can't stop us, now I suggest you back off." He said and I looked around me and realized I was surrounded by vampires from my past.

"Fine, just know your making a huge mistake." I said and walked away, I went outside to get some fresh air. This is really starting to sink in, if they open the tomb William will come out and I'll be screwed and if he sees Roman, I don't know what he'll do.

"Are you okay?" I heard and turned to see Roman.

"Yeah I'm fine, I think I'm gonna head home." I answered.

"Here I'll drive you." He said and grabbed my hand, I nodded my head and we walked to his truck. Got in and drove me home.

"Are you sure your okay?" He asked as he parked in front of my house.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said and got out of the truck, he got out to.

"Call me if you need anything at any time." He told me as he hugged me.

"Thanks Ro, I will." I said and hugged him back.

"Good, goodnight Lena." He said.

"Goodnight Roman." I said and he left.

"What am I going to do?"

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