Chapter 29

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Leif's POV

Less than 3 months of school left. I'll be free from this building that 'steals', so much of my time. I'm just glad that Lillian is at least coming home happy now. Azalea tires her out enough that she takes another nap, while I'm at work. 

There's been no sign of Williams. Clair is nervous. I can't blame her. We both have littles that could be considered having a part of bringing him down. The department made her pull my surveillance because nothing has been happening. Everyday, after putting my precious little flower to bed, I would check all the locks. Going back to my upstairs bedroom, I would pull Lilly into my arms, sometimes even removing her paci replacing it with my thumb. My business was starting to really boom. 

Once school was out, deciding to take online classes, my thought was of opening around lunchtime, that would give me more business meaning more money. I'm already known so it would just be getting my new hours known. My babygirl could be with me always. However my plans slightly changed when I arrived home, just two months before school was out.

Picking Lillian up at Aspen's, once again yawning, I placed her in her car seat. She pulled her blanket close, her head lolling to the side. I went home to get the items needed for work, Lillian could wait in the car. Pulling up my drive, I see smoke, then orange, flames were shooting up around my home. Of course, my first call was to Clair, this had to at least be investigated as being a connection. Clair brought the arson squad, it was almost useless to call the fire department, my home was destroyed. However, I knew they were needed. 

Backing my truck a safe distance away, I covered my baby to keep her protected and unseen from others. Kissing her cheeks and forehead, I stepped out looking for and speaking to Clair. David was with his mommy when I called her. He had called the other boys. We were standing there watching the flames engulf my home. 

When the flames were fully doused, the arson squad stepped in. A quick minute later, remnants of a Molotov cocktail were found. With my home being so small, I knew that a search wouldn't take long. There was one other thing I wanted to check. Driving to my unmovable shed, being used as my 'food truck', I discovered that it wasn't burnt but windows were smashed and items were stolen. I remained there, staring, confused, Clair had to finish up at the house then came over. All of Lillian's toys were missing or destroyed. The food area was mainly untouched. This at least proved it had to do with littles.

Aspen and Axel, wrapped their arms around me, supporting me from my breakdown. Tears were flowing from my eyes while I gasped for air. I gripped Lillian around her waist hefting her into my arms. She was so confused but cuddled me, as I needed. Axel drove my car to Aspen's home, where I collapsed in my/his guest room. Aspen brought soup to me, I accepted the nutrients. Lillian was going to need me even more. As I pulled my flower into my arms smelling her beautiful fragrance, I eventually drifted into a fretful slumber.

In the morning, my first stop was a shower. The water was black. After two hair washings, I was still removing disastrous amounts of soot. I heard light pitter pats and a crinkle. Smiling, I opened the curtain, seeing a soot covered baby. Well, at least half of her was. "Dabby, dabby." Her arms shot up toward me. I plugged the tub. Drying myself lightly, just so I don't get water all over the floor. 

"Well, look at my messy baby. Were you playing in the soot yesterday?" Her head shook without reservation. "Did daddy do this to you?" Her head nodded just as vigorously. "Okay, let's get these dirty clothes off of you. Then you and daddy can finish getting clean." Lilly laughed. I stripped her of the onesie and diaper, immediately setting her within the properly tempted tub of water crawling in behind her. Her arms flailed with excitement. I poured water on her head. Finding previously that conditioner on first worked better, I washed her hair with my shampoo then used her conditioner. Scrubbing Lilly's body down, I rinsed her off then used her shampoo/conditioner 2 in 1 to finish her brittle hair. Using this system seemed to leave her hair smooth, soft and moist.

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