Chapter 25

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Leif's POV

I was happy that Aspen was there with me this morning. He really didn't do anything for me, just the thought of him there got me up, going. I stumbled down the steps because I was still semi asleep, getting Lillian's bottle knowing she was going to wake soon. Tripping back up for the same reason. She gratefully received the bottle teet within her mouth. The milk was soon gone. She started whimpering, the kind that would lead to her full out screams. Rushing downstairs, with her in my arms, I grabbed her paci then rocked her back to sleep. It took me forever last night. 

I got ready for school. Lillian remaining asleep. Placing her in the car got me a slight whine. Driving to Lou's place, I gather her things. As I'm about to hand her over to Lou she screamed bloody murder. Pulling her back into my own arms, she immediately, quieted. "Maybe I should take her to go play with Daisy?"

"Sure, she's in her room." I walked down the hall until I found the room my baby girl was most familiar with. Carefully, set her on the floor beside Daisy and set her bags down. She looked at the toys grabbing a stuffie. Smiling, I turned and left. Another blood curdling scream ripped through the quiet house. I had only just made it outside of the door. Turning I went back in. While holding her I explained what happened the night before. Slowly, I put Lillian on the floor again. Her eyes watched me closely. Sitting in an empty chair, she must of been satisfied that I was staying for she started playing. Once she was distracted, I backed out of the room and went to the front door. No sooner had I stepped out of the house when I heard a scream breaking the outside tranquility. Taking the first days advice, I left.

My phone rang. "Ericsson." I barked.

"Um, hi. I need your help. She's screaming, making a mess and even caused herself to bleed."

"I'm turning around now." I headed back. The moment I stepped within the house, my little girl was in my arms. 

"Dabby, no weaves me. Mes awown mes urt." I knew she was referring to her hair being pulled. Two hours later, she had her mess cleaned up, but still didn't allow me to leave for school. No reason to stay here. I put her in the car and headed home to gather items for work. At least there Lillian would be with me. Lillian had regressed back to a baby by the time we got home. Carrying her inside, I placed her into her crib so I could get some things done. I'd step out of her room and a scream would erupt from her mouth. As soon as I would step in her arms would fly up for me to carry her. I couldn't get anything done. Every time I stepped out of her eyeline she would scream in terror. Getting anything done was near impossible. By the time Axel showed, I wasn't in the mood for company.

"Can you help me?" I had asked Axel to carry my sandwich items out to the car. He then followed me into the shop. He carried everything into the building. Lillian still didn't want to let me out of her sight. I managed to get her to allow me to work, but just barely. Axel hung out with me in my trailer just giving me some adult association. Around 10 at night, before I was locked up, he made his goodbyes.

That night, baby girl was crying. She moaned and groaned, trying to give her a bottle caused it to be pushed away. I touched her forehead. She was burning up. I took her temperature, running back to Lou's, I pounded on the door. He groggily answered the door, seeing me the door was pushed open. Lillian's temperature was soaring. 

"103.5, I'm sorry. I should've noticed earlier. It's just a bad cold, but her little age, she won't want anyone else. Give her Tylenol until her temperature breaks. It'll be a few days. Here I'll give you a doctor's excuse." I thanked him, wrapping my baby back up in a thick blanket. The doctor's excuse will release me from classes at least.

Stopping at the local drug store, I start searching for baby Tylenol. I'm looking through different brands trying to find the best for my baby. She's moaning in my arms in misery. I shift her up on my shoulder and hip, grabbing the best. "D-d-d-dabb-bb-y." She coughs.

"I know, baby, I know. We're going to pay right now." As I was walking by I grabbed a big teddy bear. Going to the register, I shift her once again. Glancing up I see Lauren, my first slave, her face gets full of excitement.

"Sir, I wish to see you again." I growled. Even if I wasn't already involved with someone, this was completely out of line. Saying one word got her out of my face and I'm sure out of a job, "Present." She dropped to the floor, I watched her start to unbutton her clothes. Then I left. She wasn't looking at me, she wasn't allowed to.

I set an upset groaning baby girl in her car seat. Her paci bobbing rapidly. "Here you go baby. This'll make you feel better." Removing her paci, I gave her the proper dosage, wrapping her up tightly, I placed the teddy near her head, for a pillow support and the cuddle factor.

Arriving home, I pulled her tight into my arms. Teddy was held loosely in her hand as I walked upstairs with her. Pulling out a few more blankets, I lay her down, covering her with each one. I crawl under one, holding her against my body. I didn't fall asleep until her breathing steadied and shallowed. My worry ebbed for the night.


Knowing the crew would panic, I call everyone in a conference call in the morning. I also tell them to watch out for Lauren. She knows my friends, I dropped her because I wasn't sure what she would come up with. I was fortunate that she thought it was her choice to leave. She was never very bright, but always sly. In order to remain cuddled with my little one, I bring the television up the stairs, along with the video player. Finding Nemo followed by Finding Dory, were the first options of the day. Lillian started complaining again, after giving her more Tylenol she asks for her bottle. She falls into my arms with delight, sleeping before she finishes.

I couldn't believe, I had five full days of a clinging Lillian, Disney movies (granted I enjoyed them, too), sleeping and cuddling. Slowly, during the sleep times, I had moved a few of her baby things in with me. Our rooms were close to the same size but I did have room to extend mine with the loft. Soon all her baby things were upstairs. I think during that week we watched every single Disney Princess movie at least twice, along with a few others. My baby never once used her words, but always made her thoughts known.

It had become obvious that she was going to leave my side as little as possible. Using the extra loft space I set up a small play area. This space also held her crib. I had left her changing table downstairs with the bathtub, that way she could go straight from the bath to her clothing change without me having to carry her upstairs. 

When Lillian's fever broke, I folded the superfluous blankets and put them away. Her feet were folded up into her hands bouncing, watching me. I gave her a piece of paper that got her really excited. Making a mental note that I needed noise maker toys, calling Lou I make an appointment to check Lillian's health and confirm any schedule changes.

Still in full baby head space, Lillian watched me make dinner while she shook her rattle from David. I laid a bowl in front of my baby, planning on feeding small bites to her. Lillian's hands go immediately into the bowl, trying to stop her gets the meatballs squished and sauce all over the table and around her chair on the floor. I sigh, there goes clean baby and kitchen. Getting two bottles and a few bites of spaghetti into her little tummy, I wipe up the mess. Once I have the kitchen cleaned once again, I pick my messy baby up. I kiss her saucy cheeks and nose. Giggling, I place her into a full tub, giving her the second bath of the night. She splashes the water everywhere with excitement. More cleaning. Gathering her up I allow her to play naked while I clean up all the water. It's getting warm again and she's feeling better so I put her into a Minnie Mouse nightgown that I got part of a set. Soundly sleeping in my arms, I pull Lillian close falling into dream land myself.

 Soundly sleeping in my arms, I pull Lillian close falling into dream land myself

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Even though she was sick, I can't say I had any better days. By the end of the week, my days had returned to normal. Informing Lou of my senior project, work, senior trip and senior skip days everything else returned to normal, well as best as could be.

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