Chapter 1

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Lillian's POV

"No, Justin don't." Those are the words are ringing through my head most days and nights. I may be 18 on my own and gainfully employed as a chef but that doesn't mean my life is a bowl of cherries, as they say.

I was homeschooled, my parents didn't want me to be corrupted by the disgusting world we have today. What exactly that meant, I'm not sure. I flew through my classes graduating at 15. My parents didn't want me sitting at home watching T.V. all day, so I was forced into getting a job. Who would hire a 15 year old? 

I got a position as a waitress at a very popular local diner. Whenever possible, I would help in the kitchen. This led to me getting to know the very dominant, very moody chef, Justin. He became my boyfriend when I just turned 16, he was a college graduate. My money earned now was going into my own college fund. He was 23.

I was thrilled that a handsome college graduate would be interested in me. The few friends I had made were all jealous of me. Me an African American, short, clumsy, slightly chubby, brown eyed, frizzy haired child, him a white, blonde, chiseled jawline, blue eyed Adonis, what would he want with me. I wasn't sure but I was willing to find out. 

Soon I became a, sort of, an apprentice in the kitchen. Justin and I worked every shift together. I moved in with him when I turned 17. My friends weren't the only ones thinking this was great. My parents thought of him as an answer to their prayers, they didn't have to worry about me anymore.

What no one saw was behind the scenes. It started out subtle about starting an exercise routine to lose weight. I couldn't argue that I needed it. Then it came to taming my hair, in the kitchen it needs to be tightly secured, again I couldn't argue, I got my hair straightened. Then the more direct things happened, I'd trip, at home falling over a piece of furniture, I'd get hit. I'd break a glass, I'm clumsy always have been, I'd get slapped with a belt. 

One day, I had a doctor's appointment, we had been discussing taking our relationship to the next level, meaning sex. We hadn't had any yet, my age and 'irresponsible' behavior proved I wasn't ready. I decided to get birth control for when the time came. You can't plan how long appointments will take. I was late getting dinner on the table. Buying something fast food didn't count because we were 'gourmet chefs, we can't get caught eating that vileness.' Today, I thought, get healthy options, put it in a grocery bag which I had, he'd surely understand. That was the day I was introduced to the whip, the cross, and vibrating panties. I accepted it all, wanting to be the perfect submissive for him.

He wanted me to quit my job and care for him full-time. I agreed. This caused me to not have time for my friends because, that's when he stepped it up a notch. If I wasn't dressed by a certain time, bought the wrong brand of groceries, wasn't waiting for him at the door, when I didn't know what time he would be home, I asked him to call me, then I'd know, "I'm the Dom. I don't answer to you, the sub." 'I've always been clumsy, I ran into another door, wall, table' whatever came to mind, became my mantra. I was still to heavy, he started serving the food I was allowed to eat. Weight did start dropping off, but now you could see my bones. 

Next came colored contacts. I didn't like my eye color, I loved the idea. The last set of contacts was used the day before, I hadn't been given permission to buy new ones and I wasn't allowed asking. An important meeting was taking place at the restaurant, I was required to go. With no contacts left, I did what anybody would do. I just got ready. He had picked out my clothes a silk crop top like shirt with a halter top neck line, with a skirt that is mid thigh. 

That's the day, "No, Justin don't," became ingrained in my brain. He told me to get my contacts, I told him I didn't have any. He blamed me for using them unnecessarily, when he was the one telling me to put them in. Also, saying if I didn't waste money we would have had the funds to buy more. I wasn't the one coming home with designer clothes and the newest game systems. He grabbed his gun, I didn't even know he had, pointed it at me and told me I had thirty seconds to get out or he would shoot. I screamed and ran. Fortunately, I had shoes on even if they were heels. 

That's the day, my life changed.

Leif's POV

I'm tired of being alone. Am I being to picky? I want a girl who will do what I say, no questions asked. Describing myself as a Master might just be taking it to far. I want my girl to give me complete control but at the same time, I'm willing to allow them to have a job, and have safety words. Everyone has a different limit, I can't possibly allow a woman to be under my care without that safety, I wouldn't feel right. I know I told Azalea I wasn't a daddy. Until I saw them together it didn't look like anything I would be interested in. Now, I'd be willing and I've only seen them together for such a short time. 

My parents had built me my own wing/apartment when I showed interest in BDSM. They didn't mind, just didn't want to run into the girls that would come through. My parents owned a chain of restaurants, that can be just as fickle as a club, I got my allowance, but if I wanted anymore I had to work. They started me out at the bottom. Us boys, we had a different way to get money, illegal, yes, drugs, no. We were into MMA fighting, all except David, he planned on getting to the top using his brain.

I thought I would have been more on the want list by the girls in school. Aspen was # 1, Axel was next, then surprisingly enough, David. He had that geeky look to him, many girls also appreciate his brain. Sitting down and talking to other Dommes gave me the answer, I was tall at 6'4" sure, but I wasn't dark, unless you spoke of the BDSM, blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale white skin. Many did think I was handsome, but that dark part, slowed me down. Aspen pretended to be interested in classmates, he was waiting for the girl he fell for as a child. Axel had his little girl, even though, I'm not quite sure how dedicated she was. David would try dating every now and then, but what he really wanted was a mommy. That left me, alone with Douglas but he never showed any interest in anyone.

Then my senior year came, I was determined to get my girl by the end of the year. Aspen got his girl, she was even already into Ddlg. Finding out a lot about her led to the police getting involved, which is how David met his mommy, Clair. Douglas, he acts like he's into Ddlg, but I really think he's straight vanilla.

Douglas was off securing our locker room at the fight. Aspen and Axel both had girls, that left me with David, I had forgotten that he recently received a mommy. If I would've remembered that, I would have driven myself. Not that I have anything against Clair, she's a wonderful woman, it just left me with a couple the whole ride.

I tried talking to Clair, Dom to Domme, that worked somewhat, David kept getting involved with the conversation. Mdlb and Ddlg are the same dynamic, so it wasn't that making me uncomfortable, I wanted to be with my single friends, which are basically no more, all of them are into ddlg, maybe that would help me as well.

Since we were unknowns, Aspen, Axel and I shared one locker room. Which made the room tight with our friends and girls. David pulled out his computer looking up our opponents, so we could at least be ready for their tricks. Deciding that we would win anyhow; we gave money to David, a total of $250. Soon Aspen was called out and we all entered to watch the fight. Earlier Clair had taken David, Amy and Azalea to the seats.

Aspen's fight was over fairly quickly, he jumped out of the ring grabbed Azalea then ran down the hall to the locker room. He made it back before Axel went in. Aspen joined the group of spectators, Amy was missing, Axel won't like that. I turned my attention back to the fight as Axel was announced. He had to work harder but in the end he triumphed. He turned to look at Amy, she still wasn't there. He scowled, but exited the ring, to shower. Next was me. I like to showboat a little, okay a lot, so I exited then reentered when the announcer called my name.

They changed my fighter, I wasn't happy about this. Ash entered the ring, he was solid, I looked small compared to him. Focusing on him, I needed to watch how he moved, I prepared to fight. Amy screamed far off somewhere, I saw Axel run, I was knocked down. Refocusing on Ash, I waited for an opening and with a mighty kick, got him, soon I was declared the winner. Showboating got the girls to see me, not the type I was looking for, they all looked like sluts, caked makeup and disloyal to their men, I knew this from my time in other arenas. This one girl wouldn't let my arm go. Walking to the entrance of the hall, I saw her. The perfect woman.

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