Chapter 5

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Leif's POV

The first time I saw her thumb in her mouth, I wanted to right then tear up the contract. Add the phone call to that jerk Justin, then her choice of clothes, shoes and her second thumb sucking, I knew. I felt relieved, relaxed, like this was what was meant to be. After situating Lillian in the play room I made a call. "Aspen, Lillian's a little. I want to try it. Can we come over next weekend, for the girls to talk and also some tips for me?"

"Ha, I knew it was going to happen eventually. Yes, Friday night, stay the weekend. You can observe and learn." After some general talk, we said our goodbyes, see you in the mornings and hung up. 

I got my laptop out and found an informative site. Not that others weren't going to be helpful, but this one was most accurate. Heading to Lillian, she was scared stiff. Escorting her back to her room, which I'll now need to redecorate and redo the playroom into one for her, I handed her the laptop while she was reading. Many clicks, sites and yawns later, I saw her slump into her chair. I'd been hanging all her new clothes, so I was with her when this happened. Finishing up, I lifted her carefully into the bed, making sure she was adequately comfortable.

Knowing I needed more information myself, I preceded to look up some more things myself. I knew I needed a few things, I decided to make a list.



Redecorate my playroom into hers

Redecorate her room

More little clothes

Age (may need high chair and/or crib)

Learn to cook

Bring maid in or do self

Learn to praise

Little food

My list kept getting longer. Somethings were very specific others were quite general. I figured that Aspen would help with this later. Tomorrow, I'll buy a paci and a few stuffies. I curled myself into bed setting an alarm for 6:30. I need to get ready for school and get Lillian ready for work. If she's my little she may not want to work. For now, keep to what we have planned would be easiest. Only thing I'm changing is who's making breakfast.


Yawning, I stretch, grab my clothes, shower and get dressed. I never set Lillian's alarm, so I knew she'd still be asleep. Going to the kitchen, I grab what I wanted for breakfast, not knowing what my potential little would crave. At 7:00, she walked out of the room. I sat her down with her own plate of ham, eggs and toast. Her eyes bulged. 

"I thought I was to cook."

"As my slave you were. As my little we need to decide on many things. I want you to do a lot of thinking and research. My friend, Aspen, said we could stay with him for the weekend, observe and learn. What I do know is we need to decide what age you are. What items you want and how to act. Sometimes littles work, others are babysat. We can get that all this weekend. For now research, think, and decide on your part. I've never been a daddy, but I've watched my friends for years. I know I can, can you?" She looked at me contemplative. Nodding her head she ate. "My mom will knock at 8:00, to take you to work. I'll put the uniform on your bed then I need to get to school."

I walked back to her room, the only pair of pants we had bought was for work. I pulled those out with a hunter green shirt. Socks and shoes were placed on the floor under them. Little or not, I want no underclothes worn, but sometimes it's necessary. I have a lot to think about myself. Wishing Lillian a good day I leave for school.

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