Chapter 10

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Lillian's POV

I fell asleep during my thinking. Daddy had to come get me. Azalea gave me my rattle, I shook it half heartedly. Oh, what's that? My free hand reached over grabbing it. The thin thing makes a wonderful noise. I drop the rattle reaching with both hands. This is so much fun. Daddy is trying to take it away. No, I want it. "Come on, baby, that paper has a list of what you need on it." Ooh, it's called paper. I must get more paper. Laughing heartily I keep this paper away from daddy. The other daddy gives me my food. Yummy, I'm hungry. I grab my bottle. Placing the teat in my mouth, I discover the paper gone. I have the rattle again, I drop it. Reaching for the paper daddy put really far away, gets the rattle put back in my hand. I don't want that. How can I make them see? I throw it. There now they know. I reach for the paper again, but it's getting farther away. What's happening? Oo, daddy go. I watch excitedly, my hands flailing. "Jhgv jhjggv jhgv jhgvg?"(Where we going daddy?) I blubber. 

We get to the nursery. "Iuhg, kjh jkhb kuhg gyfd iibgjgf. Jhv iuhg khhbo hjgv kkjhbkhhb." (Daddy, I see this room before. I no need see again.) Once again babbling. Daddy places me on the table in here. Do I need new? I wiggle. No, I'm clean. Daddy pulls out something I've not seen. Oh, a new toy. It's on my hands. Wait what's it do, daddy? Another is put on my other hand. Oh, I need two. Now it'll work. I try to move my hands. They're stuck together. "Little one, I've put you in training mittens. These will teach you what you can't touch. Do you know what that is?" I nod my head, wiggling my fingers and closing my hand trying to show what it does. "That's right, baby. Paper. You're not allowed that paper. Sometimes you will be. This one is no. You didn't listen, so you're being punished. Now no crying, or temper. Let's go finish your lunch." Daddy picks me up carrying me to the table in the big ugly room. I like the other room better. Ooh, look paper, I reach. Oh, I forgot. I know, I cry. My face starts to pout, "Don't. We talked about this." We did? Oh, the pretty room. Daddy places the bottle in my mouth. Yeah, I'm hungry. I smile, daddy, best daddy. He feed me. That baby no feed she eat her fingers. This yummy. 

I'm done, daddy. I turn my head away. Daddy puts it back in my mouth. I turn again. "Looks like, my baby is finished eating, are you?" I start babbling spitting bubbles. I'm carried to another room. This room pretty. Daddy lets my hands loose. Yeah.

I'm laying on my belly playing with, Mr. Kitty. She's so soft. Azalea told me it was a kitty. I put in my mouth, I wonder how it tastes. "No, baby Willian, no mouf." What I do? Ooh, look soft big move like daddy. "Baby Willian, dis me puppy. Is ame Tist. Wike ouseceam, oclate and nilla. Mes kitty ame Oeo. Ame ookie." This thing came over, his eyes got really close. Air hit me, all over my face. It tickles, I start laughing. Azalea starts laughing. What this, it move? I grab it. Oh, soft. Taste same as Mr. Kitty? Mouth time. "Grrrrrrrr......." 

Azalea screams. I cry. Daddy comes running in with Azalea's daddy. (Cry = Daddy.) I'm picked up put in daddy's arms. Oh, look daddy? Big fluffy. It moves like you. I reach for it. "Grrrrrrrr........." I cry. Daddy holds me tight. "If you don't hurt the doggie, the doggie won't hurt you." What's a doggie? What's hurt? Daddy get big again. Oh look, pretty room. I wiggle. No clean. I cry. Daddy knows. He puts me on the table grabbing a new diaper. Daddy put me down, I look around. No, I don't want here daddy. "Sleep baby. You'll feel better later."

Daddy gave me some soft things, squishy. I squeeze it ah. He he. Daddy my eyes tired. My eyes start slowly drooping. Eventually, there's no sound or light.


I'm suddenly laying in water. I no like this water sticky, that's right cry=daddy. I cry, loudly. 

"Hey, sleeping beauty. You're awake." Daddy picks me up placing me on the table, a new covering is put on me. I wiggle, ah, comfort. Daddy picks me up. "My precious girl. I hope you allow me to be your daddy, baby girl." Oh, daddy needs answer. "Gghghgvb ghhgbh hg hgcfdchj vgfjhgvkhb  bb b." (I love you.) See daddy, I love you, you perfect daddy. "You hungry, little one? It's almost dinner. I can feed you then I can eat with the others." Oh, food, "bbbvvu hibighnhiij bghgcvfg." "I'll take that as a yes." He kisses my cheek. I smile, clapping my hands and wiggling. "Your cousin woke up almost an hour ago, shall we go see her?" "Bbghgvtfv gfcrdnhjhhb mjjbgvffdc."

Daddy hands me something small. Oo, paper, I reach, oh daddy said no. Daddy give me, he say sometimes fine. I grab crinkle, crinkle. "Bhbhb hgvgfcvh ghbopn hjhhjb." ( Thank you, daddy.) I'm laughing and bouncing. My bottle comes to my mouth. "Mbmbhmngfvvdcbghjngfcx." (Yummy.) Daddy puts me in the big chair, handing me the rattle and more paper. My hands bounce all around. I'm so happy. Suddenly daddy puts me down. He walks over to the big cold thing when opened. No daddy, don't leave. I start bouncing, wait I'm moving. I reach as far as I can put my arm down and pull, other arm the same, I'm moving daddy closer. "Bhbhg vhtcdryxt dszawrzsd xycfjhgb." (Daddy, look, I move.) I continue on my trek after a short pause. This is hard. Grabbing daddy's leg when I get there. He looks down.

Daddy bends over and picked me up. I fling my arms around him, kissing his cheek. "Look at you. Are you crawling? I'm so proud of you. Coming to get daddy on your own." He he, daddy proud of me. "Blblb yvggcgjgvjh blbkkjhbvucf." "I agree we should watch a movie. What should we watch Azalea?" Why daddy asking that girl? "Bjk bjbhj hvygcd Higvi ytviy fviyf iyviyfv." "Shh, little one let Azalea answer." 

"Mes ant atch Nemo. Mes wove Nemo."

"Good choice, Lillian should like that one, too." Daddy picks me up, we move, where we going? Ooh, big pretty room. Daddy sits down beside Azalea, she wiggles away. "Sorry, Azalea." Daddy moves away, placing me in betwix them. We are looking at a big box. Daddy gets up and grabs a long skinny thing. Ooh, daddy amazing the box change, still changing. Daddy put the thing down, noise and light come out, wow. I lean forward, I start to roll. Daddy catches me. I smile, do again. Daddy catches me. I'm put down by daddy's moving things. Look more room to play. I lean forward and roll. Daddy not catched me. My brows furrow. That was fun. My smile widens. I lean again, roll. I rolled all the way to the box. Daddy was proud of me earlier. Maybe I go back. I roll, laughing. Getting to daddy, he picks me up. "Nbg vefceg greg eghbrh wdfwd fvdwg." (You see me, daddy.) My mouth opens but I'm not hungry. Oo air is coming out. "Bihgbjgcfyffcy." (Daddy you see what I can do?) I do it, again. "I agree it's time for bed." 

Daddy gets high again. He goes back to the pretty room. Oh, do I, I wiggle, yeah, I was having fun. Daddy changes me. He carries me, putting me down, daddy I don't want here. I was having fun. Oh squishies, I grab them. Daddy puts a sucky in my mouth. My smile widens. Daddy slowly lays me down the squishy going above my face. "Good night, baby girl. We need to talk tomorrow." "Kbhji hgbugfvyg fcdfy xdxt." (What's good night?) Daddy don't leave. Ooh, I did it again, air, he he. My eyes hurt, daddy. I block the light. Oh, that feels better. Daddy so smart. I just stay here, my eyes no hurt.

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