Chapter 31

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Leif's POV

I awoke to a whine, after Lillian had fell asleep, I had placed her back in the crib. Heading back downstairs, I had a few things to discuss with Aspen. It was nearly midnight when I made it back to our room. I brushed my baby's hair out of her eyes, standing over her, I wished I could give her so much more. In fact, that was part of the discussion I had with Aspen. Pulling the light princess blanket over my baby, I readjusted the baby doll under her arm. Laying myself in my bed, I hugged my pillow as-if it was my little one. Moving her once, I didn't want to chance it again. 

I dreamt, my baby had left me for not caring for her properly. Knowing I was whining in my sleep from depression I wasn't at first concerned, then I heard it again. Sitting up, I listened. Lilly was the one whining. I stood, touching her face, she was burning up. As I reached for her, I saw the wetness start to leak from her diaper. I quickly scooped her up. She was much hotter than I thought. I rushed her to the bathroom. Placing her in the tub, I slowly immersed her in tepid water. After some time, she started shivering. Rediapering her I pull her into my arms. Now I had to get her warm. I lie her down curling around her. Her little hand reaches for me. She's terrified. Suddenly, she grips me tightly, I know she doesn't know what she's doing. My eyes scrunch up in pain, she starts pulling it around. I roll carefully, not squashing her. Noticing she's peeing again, I try to get her to release me. Her eyes popped open. She released a scream then started crying. 

"Dabby, baby wetted." 

"I know little one. How do you feel?"

"Dabby, tummy hurted." Her thumb pops into her mouth. I popped it out replacing it with a paci.  She starts sucking heartily. Quickly, I return her to the tub to get her clean again. Once she is, I replace a diaper on her caramel butt. Lifting her, wrapping a sweater around her for warmth, her paci never wavering in its bobbing, I quietly head to the nursery. I find multiple blankets and lay her on the floor, engulfing her in warmth. Entering the closet, I find all of Azalea's winter clothes. Pulling a cute teddy bear sweater and sweatpants, I dress my little one. "Dabby, baby?"

"Just a minute, sweetie. You need to get dressed first."

"Dabby, ad man go bye-bye? He no ouchie me?"

"Bad man gone, baby girl. Daddy will always protect his little one."

"Dabby, woos no dere. Where goes?" I'm noticing how her speech was starting to sound like Azalea. Nuzzling my nose into her neck and cheek, she starts laughing. "Dabby, op. Where's oos?"

"It was just a dream, baby. Daddy was downstairs with Aspen." 

"Nnnnoooo, tay wit baby girl. Wittle one ared. Ad man coming." 

Placing her in my arms, I carry her bridle style still wrapped in the blankets, back into our room. Placing her on the couch, I tightly wrap her up. Turning on the television, I put on Pet Patrol. "I'm not going anywhere, baby. I just need to clean up the mess you made. I'll be in here or the bathroom." Her head nodded, eyes drooping. My first stop was for the doll, that Lilly had yet to name. Placing her tightly to Lilly's side, I start stripping our beds. Putting everything into a hamper, I scrub the wet spots then remake. 

Lillian's eyes watched my every move. She'd never allow me to leave for school. Good thing that Aspen couldn't convince me to go back. I lifted my precious one, laying her on my chest. Her paci bobbing into my neck, lashes blinking, lightly tickling my cheek. She didn't allow her eyes to leave me until, I pulled a blanket over us, her still swaddled in baby blankets, and my arms wrapped around her tightly. Soon her eyes were closed. Adjusting her position, her eyes popped open, paci falling, "NO, Dabby. NO weave me."

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