Chapter 21: A Step in the Right Direction

Start from the beginning

“Milan!” He went to run towards the baby when someone stepped out from a pillar to his left and he felt cool metal hit his temple. Freezing, he swallowed and resisted moving.

“Don’t move.”

“Didn’t plan on it.”

The man grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back just to the point where he started to feel pain.

“Now walk.”

They walked towards the car and baby. When they were about three feet from the carseat, the man stopped Adam and let go. The barrel left his head and he felt the man’s hands move down his body, obviously searching for weapons or trackers.

“Nothing on ya? You’re not as stupid as I thought. Or maybe, you are.”

“At least I don’t go blackmailing the one’s I loved.”

Adam’s retort elicited a low chuckle from the man, who finally came into view. “Put your hands on the back of your head and turn around.”

Seeing the gun still in his hand, Adam obeyed Gerard and did so, but wasn’t giving in that easily. “Can I at least say goodbye to Milan?”

There was a moment of silence until he heard him heave a sigh. “Fine. But make it quick.”

Adam turned around slowly and walked over to Milan, gently bending down and kissing him softly on the head. He gurgled, and Adam smiled. “Don’t worry, buddy. You’ll be okay. Mommy will see you soon.”

“Oh for crying out loud, he can’t understand you. You’ve had your time. Let’s go. Hands up.”

Adam does as he’s told, facing Gerard down the barrel of the gun. He figured that the man was going to have him get into the car or something, but he doesn’t.

“Turn around. Keep your hands up.”

Slowly and smoothly, Adam turned on his heel until his back was facing Gerard and he was looking at the innocent baby again.

Is this the end? Is this how I’m going to die?

A sudden, sharp pain in the back of his head and instant loss of consciousness didn’t give him a chance to ponder further.

~Shakira’s POV~

“I can’t believe did he hide it so well? Oh god, Blake. I can’t live without either of them!”

Blake held her shaking body and let her cry into his shirt. She was a mess, and understandably so. He was distraught himself; one, because a baby was still missing and two, because his best friend was possibly digging his own grave. Where the hell is the police...

The group, consisting of the remaining coaches, Carson, and Shakira’s friend all jumped at the sound of Shakira’s phone ringing on the table in the middle of the room. Blake nodded his head at Usher, who picked it up.

“It’s Drew, the set crew coordinator. What could he possibly want? He answered, and everyone sat in anticipated silence.

“What?! Someone will be there in a minute. Thanks. Yes, thanks again.” He hung up and jumped up. “Shakira, Milan was just found outside the studio. Someone must have just dropped him off. I’m going to go get him.”

“I’m coming. I need to see my baby now.”

Seconds later the group all filed out to their cars and were on their way to meet up at the studio. Blake took Shakira.

The moment they pulled in, the car hadn’t even stopped when Shakira jumped out, running around the other cars and dashing towards the building. When the rest came around the side they saw her clutching the little guy for dear life and sobbing joyfully. It was heartbreaking. The group let her have her moment alone, going inside to see if the police showed up with any news. Shakira came in moments later, bouncing a gurgling, smiling Milan.

“Anything yet?” Shakira looked at the two cops that the crew were talking to. One finally turned to her.

“How are you handling everything, sweetie? I know this has got to be really upsetting and I promise we’re doing everything we can to find him. He was serious when he said he needed to go alone. Not even his car can be tracked.”

Shakira sighed painfully, urging the tears to settle behind her sore eyes. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Well, for one, how did you know where he was going? Or what he was planning on doing?”

She was reluctant to give up the still unfinished letter, so she just summarized. “He wrote me a note before I woke up saying he had been contacted by Gerard yesterday and said if he gave himself over then Gerard would return Milan. And Adam thought that was the only way to get him back, so he figured he’d sacrifice his own safety for my child...” As she spoke the words, the wieght of the action that Adam had taken truly hit her and her words caught in her throat. Thankfully the cop understood. He gave her a comforting shoulder rub before nodding.

“Thank you. That does help some. It means Gerard had time to plan what he was going to do with Adam if he showed up. Go rest, we’re gonna do all we can to find them, okay? Staying here worrying isn’t going to help yourself any and I’m sure it’s not what Adam would have wanted you to be doing.”

Shakira nodded, but she realized she didn’t have anywhere to go. She knew going back to Adam’s was not an option because that was just too painful. And she didn’t dare return to her own home.

Blake came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and Milan. “Come on, Shak. You can come hang out with me and Miranda. She’s worried sick about you.”

She smiled thankfully at Blake before accepting the offer. “Thanks, Blake. It means a lot.”

“Yeah well, I’d have a very pissed off Adam to turn to if I didn’t take the best care of you while he was away.” He grinned, and she felt just a little bit better. A tiny bit more hopeful.

Oh Adam, please be alright.

Hey, look! I updated :)

Okay, SO. I apologize for dragging this out four months. I feel bad about it and you all have permission to yell at me about it. This chapter also may have seemed kind of boring and short and not much happened. This is because it is only a transition chapter. The next chapter will be very...full, I guess you could say. And a little bit intense. So this is just a preparation. Thanks so much to those of you who have stuck with me and dealt with my procrastination problems. I love you all very much <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2014 ⏰

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