Chapter 21: A Step in the Right Direction

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~Shakira’s POV~

The cawing of the birds outside the window weren’t as sweet and romantic as Shakira had always thought. Grabbing a pillow from somewhere beside her, she threw it over her head and shoved her face in the mattress.

Suddenly the last night flooded back into her mind and she felt a big smile stretch across her face. She rolled over and opened her eyes.

And saw nothing but an empty bed, an envelope, and a beautiful red rose.

Fearing the worst, Shakira tore off the blankets and snatched the envelope, tearing viciously at it until the paper finally gave way and a folded up piece of lined paper fell into her lap. She hesitated, unsure if she wanted to read what was inside. Her mind was reeling with the events of the previous night, trying to figure out if there was any point where Adam seemed like he regretted anything. Nothing came to mind. Realizing she had a headache, she sat back and wondered how much she really had drunken. 

Was I drunk? But she knew she wasn’t. She could remember every detail from the dinner to the passionate love making that she knew she would never forget. So what is this?

Returning her attention back to the letter, she lifted it and gently unfolded it with shaking hands. Her stomach turned uneasily as she began reading, knowing something was wrong. Adam’s handwriting was very elegant and neat, and seemed to be very carefully done.

She took a deep breath and focused, suppressing panic.

Dear Shak,

Last night was the most amazing time of my life. I’ve never experienced such emotions or feelings or belongingness as I do with you. You’re everything to me and I hope I did an okay job showing you that. This is why this is going to be so hard to do.

Shakira had to pause to gasp for air, struggling to hold in the tears. She had a feeling she knew what was coming next.

I received a call yesterday morning, before you woke. It was Gerard. He was willing to give Milan back for a price. He wanted me. Milan means the world to you, Shak, and there was no way I was going to go on knowing that he would make a trade to save your baby.

Here was where Shakira stopped, dropping the letter and hugging her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth. She was in shock. She was wrong, so very, very wrong. It was not at all what she was expecting. It was so much worse.

It took a few minutes for her to stop shaking enough to get her brain to function properly. She immediately grabbed her phone off the bedside table and call Blake.

“Hello?” Blake sounded asleep but Shakira could care less that the moment. The two people she loved most in the world were in danger.

“He took them, Blake, he- he has them...” She choked on her words, unable to continue.

“Hold shit, Shak. I’ll be there in five minutes.” There was a click and she was left to whimper softly, clutching the phone in one hand and Adam’s partly unread letter gripped tightly in the other.


~Adam’s POV~

Adam pulled into the deserted parking garage, choosing a spot a ways in so that he was unseen by passing cars. After a steadying breath, he got out and closed the door behind him, the sound echoing eerily around him. He walked around his car, unsure what he was looking for. Realizing that Gerard was not in the area, he began walking.

He made it to the other side of the garage when he saw a blue carseat with a baby in it sitting next to a shiny black Mercedes equipped with tinted windows.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 24, 2014 ⏰

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