Chapter 26

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Rico had a nice time in Chicago with Alexis celebrating the new year. Yesterday he got back in town and received some exciting news. He couldn't wait to share it with his mother because he knew she would be excited too.

"So how was the trip to Chicago?" Tati asked as her and Rico sat at the dining room table.

"It was really good, I enjoyed myself." Rico grinned.

"Awww, you're smiling so hard." Tati flashed a smile.

"That's not why."

"What is it then? Is she pregnant for real this time?" Her eyes got big.

"Don't do that, ma. No, that's not it." Rico's smile went away.

"Okay, well tell me."

"You know how I've been on the real estate agents case about that house. Well, he called me yesterday and told me I got approved." He smiled again.

"Really?! I'm so proud of you, baby. I love the man you're becoming."

"Thank you, ma."

This is what Rico has been wanting for the longest and now that it's finally here, he's wishing he would've waited a little longer. There's so much good going on for him right now, but this is an opportunity that he wouldn't miss for anything. Even though he feels leaving is the right thing to do, he needed to talk with his mother about his decision.

"When is your lease up?" She asked.

"Next month."

"Oooo, that's pretty soon. You should start packing and getting all your stuff together. Be sure to let your uncle know too."

"Ma. What about Alexis?" He sighed.

"You haven't told her?"

"We've talked about me leaving multiple times, but she never listens. I don't think she was taking me serious when I told her I wanted to leave one day." He explained.

"Do you think she would mind coming with you? Do you even want her to come with you?" Tati raised an eyebrow.

"It would be nice if she came. But all the times we talked about it, she always said how she doesn't want to leave New Orleans. I'm not tryna force nothing on her, so." He shrugged.

"If y'all love each other like y'all say y'all do, you'll figure something out. It hasn't been that long since you guys have been dating and it might be too much for her right now. Just talk to her about it one more time."

"I don't know. If she tells me she doesn't want to go, I ain't gone fake it, I'm a be a little hurt. I can't stay here no more though so that's not an option. If I have to leave without her then I will."

Rico was nervous to talk to Alexis about him leaving. Since his lease was up next month, this was definitely it for him. While he sat there, he sent Alexis a message saying he wanted to see her. She was free at the moment so she agreed to meet him at his house. Before leaving, his mother gave him a pep talk in case Alexis didn't react well to this.

Rico made it to his house before Alexis got there and he spent that time thinking about what he was going to say. Once Alexis got there, she was in a good mood which was a good sign for Rico.

"Wuzzam, bae." She flopped on the couch.

"Where you coming from?" Rico asked her.

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