78 - An inescapable fate

Start from the beginning

Flaming torches light the way as we stroll amongst the trees. We make our way to a covered balcony looking out over the city. Leaning against the stone balustrade, I gaze down at the twinkling lights of Babylon which wraps around the base of the mountain.

A large hand lands next to mine. I don't pay it too much heed, until another hand grips the balustrade on my other side. He is standing right behind me, caging me in. While no part of him actually touches me, I can feel the heat of his body and it sends me into a state of hyper-alertness.

He bends his head down, bringing his mouth level with my ear. "You do not have to accept this fate."

As the seconds stretch on, I dare not breathe, until finally he moves away. With trepidation, I turn to face him. Strangely enough, even though there is little in the way of light, I can see him better and get a true sense of what lies beneath that tough exterior.

"I can take you away from this. See you reunited with your friends. I only ask that you consider a future with me." The slight catch in his voice betrays his vulnerability.

He has this way of making me forget everything, but tangling with him would be playing with fire, literally. The thought makes me wonder if that dream of flames engulfing the two of us could have been a vision.

With his words ringing in my ears, we walk back to my room in silence. At my door, he brushes his knuckles with a feather-like touch down my cheek. "Think on my offer."


I beat up my pillow again, trying to get comfortable. My reeling mind refuses to let me rest. Could I imagine a life with Kai? A few days ago, the answer would have been 'you have to be freaking kidding me'. Now, I'm torn.

On one hand, I don't want to forsake Aren, even to save myself and I still hang onto that diminishing hope that my vision of our wedding could come true. On the other hand, if I'm the king's prisoner, I might never be free. Kai could spirit me away and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't attracted to him, but is that enough?

I bury my head in the pillow. Everything is such a mess.

At some point I fall into a fitful sleep, although that fractured peace is disturbed by a presence in my room. Even without opening my eyes, I can sense that it is Cosmos.

"Elissa, you cannot go with Lord Kai. You must continue your journey to Avalon," Cosmos commands.

Confused, I roll over to face him "You want me to go to Avalon?"

"Yes, you must go back to where it started. Go back to Avalon."

Abruptly pushing myself upright, blue lightning crackles from my fingers and the curtains to the four-poster bed flutter. "This whole time that is where I was supposed to go? Why on earth did you have me running around Elysium?"

Cosmos smiles like a proud parent, unaffected by my anger. "To give your powers a chance to develop so that you have the strength to face my son."

The thought of the golden-eyed king knocks me off kilter and allows anxiety to get its claws into me. "What will he do with me?"

"Elissa, the whole of Elysium watches you. Lucifer will not dare to harm you." He pats my hand in reassurance.

His logic is faulty and I point out, "He killed you, his own father, so what chance do I stand?"

"That was an unfortunate accident and as much by my own doing, as his. Please, Elissa," he beseeches. "Elysium needs you."

The weight of his expectation is almost suffocating and makes me feel guilty for selfishly considering running away again. "You're sure that this is my fate?"

"Yes." Cosmos seizes on my resignation. "You will reveal the Light of Elysium on the summer solstice. My son may be flawed, but he knows how important it is that the Light is restored. Insist that the Royal Council gathers to bear witness."

"And the Royal Council will convene for me?"

"Trust me, all the regents will answer your call."


I peek over the battlements and my stomach lurches, not just because of the huge drop, but the sight of several hundred soldiers camped out on the field far below. Seriously, just how many men does this king think he needs to retrieve me?

"It is not too late. We can still escape." The sound of Kai's hushed voice in my ear startles me.

This morning, I'd woken up resigned to my fate, however, now I begin to doubt whether I'm brave enough.

Kai's offer is mighty tempting, yet Cosmos's charge lays heavy on my conscience.

Realising that Kai is waiting for a response, I shake my head. "Kai, I'm sorry. I can't."

"I was a fool," he half whispers in a morose tone. He glares at the army below and his customary scowl returns. "I ask nothing in return. Just allow me to take you to safety."

I sigh. "I need to go to Avalon, although I do not relish the journey nor the destination."

"Then I will accompany you. I will not let you take this journey alone," he insists, his face set in stubborn lines.

I smile, grateful for the strength his presence brings. "I was wrong before. You are a hero. If things were different ..." I tail off. Seriously Elle, not helping.

A purple dragon swoops down, the underside of its wings shimmering like paua shells. It lands gracefully beside us. While it's a large dragon, there is something about its sleek lines and features that imply femininity. It must be Azora.

The dragon stretches her neck down, bringing our faces almost level. Intricate patterns of silver and indigo scales encircle the dragon's eyes, trailing up over the head and down a spine interspersed with lethal-looking silver spikes.

Elissa, cast aside your fears. They are unnecessary shackles. I have faith in you. A clear regal voice sounds inside my head.

"How?" I utter on an awed breath. How can I hear the dragon?

I am queen of dragons, Azora responds as if that is answer enough. Remember the blood of queens' runs through your veins.

Azora raises her head to the sky, which is momentarily obscured by the gargantuan wings and body of a red dragon.

Antares and his rider will watch over you, Azora assures.

Though I don't require it, Kai helps me up onto Antares, for which I'm grateful as my limbs feel leaden. Cain and Cade's dragons hover in the sky awaiting us and then the three dragons dive down in arrow formation.

Until we meet again. Azora's parting words are clear above the rushing wind in my ears.

AN - the song is Dreams by Imagine Dragons.
Poor Elissa - so close to being reunited with Zane and Darish, but it seems like fate is pulling her back to Avalon.

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